The Late Freddy Rumsen

I wish those Haitians would shut up about their stupid country exploding. Those people have fucked up priorities.

GOD DAMMIT. Dude was awesome.


The best reason to steal movies from the internet is "i want it and fuck them anyway." This move only serves to strengthen that position.

My income fell about 50% last year due to the exploded economy. Can I blame netflix too?

Boo to things! DOWN WITH STUFF!

So, James Bond gets high and dances with a plastic bag while Alan Cummings humps a pineapple. Sounds like oscar bait to me. And Jarhead really was OWNAGE.

I hate you. And therefore the article has served its purpose. Also, is it supposed to be "an apple" as in an apple that is angry at the internet? Or, are you A is for apple? As in, elementary obviousness? Either way, it's a conundrum that does nothing but feed my aforementioned enmity toward you. I came here for hate,

They don't advertise for killers in the newspaper. That was my profession. Ex-cop. Ex-blade runner. Ex-killer.

People who work at gawker are incapable of processing the existence of fat people. Fat people are just soooo red state. I guess what I'm saying is, that's what you fucking get for reading gawker.

He's Mr. Jew, yeah that's his name. That name again is Mr. Jew.

Yes, but I do want to know more about The World Of Laverne Tripp. I am properly enticed.

I was just thinking: man, where can I go talk about battlestar galacatica. Oh yeah, the internet!

A yearly tv movie would be pretty welcome.

Chicago? Thank you for disproving the otherwise sensible notion that an opinion can't be wrong. I say this with a heart full of love.

Encounters at the End of the World was pretty great in a theatre. I am batshit wild about any documentary where the filmmaker will narrate over an interview subject to comment on how boring that subject is.

The lack of The Departed means I must spew nerdrage onto the internets. Mind yer shoes. But seriously, THE DEPARTED. But, thankfully you have The Man Who Wasn't There and 25th Hour which I never thought got their due respect and so you are allowed to have your opinions.

I really can't be the only person who disliked The Sixth Sense. Freddy Rumsen, last sane human.

Heh. People have strong feelings on this issue because…