The Late Freddy Rumsen

And that's when the C.H.U.D.s attacked.


An episode I didn't hate and it included House doing clinic duty. Not a coincidence. But to suggest that Lucas is any way tolerable is total self delusion.

Heh. Werds…. Is it really so surprising that something in a film works better the first time you see rather than after the thoundsath time during intense over analysis? Really not a fault of the film maker. The first time I saw that scene it was pretty jaw dropping and I didn't even register it was one continuous

I can lend you the fifty dang dollars. Get a job. Jeez.

Not as funny as Jerry covering his face with a turtleneck and screaming "Bazooka Joe!"


There really aren't enough movies
where children get run over with steamrollers anymore. C'mon America. YES WE CAN.

Was it only 1.5 years ago? It seems like fucking centuries since this was my favorite dang crap tv show.

Congratulations, Placeholder. You are the new number 2.

Here's a secret. Lost is horrible.

If you people start listing best characters it should look like this:

Styrling, Coopyr, Drapyr and Pryce? That doesn't look right. I think you're high.

You are either sometimes shaven or bearded. It is an either or. Everything else on the show is entirely plausible.

You probably wouldn't like my one man show. "Goatse.cx - The Musical." More of a puppet show than a musical.

Way ahead of you.

I still have a huge crush on her. She's purty. Ahem.

Well, she is cute when she dances, Mr. Bear.

In your racist defense, Koreans are pretty horrible. Who's with me?