The Late Freddy Rumsen

Contact your local library if you'd like to learn more about sentence structure and drinking urine. Good night, America!

It's better than Hung and Entourage. I'm not sure how helpful that is. It also seems like this episode should have been the second episode, and also the third, fourth, etc…

Larry David pissing on Jesus's face is hilarious
Now get off the road, schmohawk. GO BE WRONG AT HOME. That is to say that I respectfully disagree with your internet blog post.

Ah it was funny enough
Throw 'em a B. Show 'em who's the bigger man.

83% of all statistics are made up on the spot. FACT!

Nothing rhymes with Caspar Weinberger.

I have a stupid fondness for I Know What You Yadda Yadda. There's something strangely watchable about that movie (cleavage). Sometimes it is horrible being male.


They've done split personalities too. Maybe it's some kinda metanarrative on bullshit premises in shows supposed based on some level of reality.

Isn't it a little early
For a hostage crisis episode?

You should ignore every part of Denby's review that is written by David Denby. I hope this is useful.

Her role in Malkovich and Linda Fiorentino in Last Seduction are the two most painfully attractive characters I've ever seen in movies. Two women who would have no use for me whatsoever. I'm sold.

Denby's review was annoying. Denby is annoying. I find it annoying when reviews for films I haven't seen annoy me but his main complaint seemed to be that it doesn't pander to children and that parents might have to talk to their kids about it after wards. God forbid.

Totally. (toetally?) It isn't like the show was Mad Men at some point. They give cigarettes to Santa and make lupus jokes. I'm not sure what people are expecting from them. It's top notch tv trash.

Ya know
Let House and Cuddy get all wild and naked. Chase can murder the dictator of a sovereign nation and Foreman can cure cancer in space. I don't give a fuck! Let House adopt an adorable toehead while Thirteen cures her Huntington's with oral sex. I can't seem to dislike this damn show no matter what they do.

You're not the boss of me.

The show works best as an ensemble. I dig both Helo and the Dushku from their previous work, but it's painfully obvious that the show's weak link is it's two leads.

There's not enough salt in the world for Delaware.