The Late Freddy Rumsen

Why is Fring at all involved with street level thugs? Why would two jackasses in an iroc full of meth know him at all?

Good work. Have Dan give you a lump of dope on yer way out.

*your. HA!

Great show. Can I call Nix the Whedon for tolerable humans?

Gus was more effective as a shadowy bogeyman than he is as Michael Corleone. I already watched the dang sopranos.

Darth Vadar is Luke Skywalker's father. HAHA TAKE THAT YOU FUCKER.

Why dont they let Albert Finney beat people up more often in the movies? Albert Finney vs Predator.

and yet no one cares what you think. Crazy!

I liked the cappuccino scene. House gleefully using karma as a tool to murder Lucas. What could be wrong with that? Plus, they had to work in Cuddy cleavage somehow this episode.

A fine way to celebrate her great performance in this excellent film is to google pictures of her in her underwear from Rocky Horror. But god damn she was a handsome woman.

but a part of me was glad the hit got shifted to Hank. Does this make me an awful person or just someone who grows too attached to a protagonist?

He will BUTTSEX YOUR WIFE. Shit got real.

I also loved the episode and I love boobies. We should hang out.

Any size available? OK. I would like air jordans the size of my house please and thank you in advance.

I think it was Hitler von Tampon.

If HBO could program movies as well as they produce shows then I would be considerably less bitter about all the god damn money I piss away on cable. How many god damn times they think people want to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks or Bride Wars any damn way. Choke on my $15, HBO.

Apparently you are.

Oh, and fuck Don and Betty Draper's marriage too. Don't care!

Your firstie is about as thrilling as a tv show about the marital problems of the middle aged.

Is that a euphemism?