

Well met, Rabin.

Your parenthetical is a grammatical nightmare. Fucking third tier piece of shit.

What I think Arsenio Billingham was saying was that the desire a diabetic feels for sugar or a—what, a soccer hooligan?—might feel for Newcastle is nothing compared to the uncontrollable lust we all feel for small children. It's apples and oranges, people.

Exactly. I watched Thundercats, and now my wife has to dress up like Cheetara.

If I recall correctly, these were arguments offered by men with law degrees from Harvard and Yale:
1. Digital depictions of child porn will permit pedophiles to convince children it's okay.
2. Digital depictions of child porn give the pedo-curious a "taste," after which they'll stop at nothing to get the real thing.

yeah well
Monkey steals the peach.

Straight Story should be everyone's first David Lynch movie, followed by Dune and then the rest of 'em.

Il faut tutoyer le lard.

That firstie was overly cautious. B-.

Oreo = Chipwich
Rookie mistake.

Just listened to this a couple times
"Blurry cacophony" is fairly accurate but I apparently enjoyed it a lot more than Hyden. It's not Bon Iver and it's certainly not For Emma but it has its own subdued, minimalist charm.

Too soon.

For the record, I'd do her too. In the ass, in the mouth, along those cheeks and potentially even in her vagina. Kim Jong-Il was bitching about how she looks like his 50-year-old aunt and then to demonstrate this he posted a picture of her in which she is hot as ever. I'll lay the sarcasm on a little thicker when I

Yeah that picture is really something. She is fucking foul, for sure. Might even be a double bagger.

I'd be interested to see a man fuck Maggie Gyllenhaal in the ass…

You call him "more more" too? I thought I was alone.

I was gonna track down a photo for you guys, then I thought, "fuck it, they've all seen Sin City, they all have Google, they can do it themselves." So then I was going to post a link to some sweaty beanpurse or something and trick you all into clicking on it, but instead I just got my identity stolen. You think McAfee

So says Wikipedia:
Kemp = 7 known but probably more
Henry = 11 known ($170K/year in child support)
Chamberlain = no known children (but his personal life gets its own article)
The more you know…

Googling Sibel Kekilli
as we speak