
Another good article on Andre from Modern Drunkard Magazine. It focuses on his drinking prowess, as you might expect given the journal.

The "survival story" template involves a person getting dropped into the wilderness and proving that he or she is not subject to Nature. But the Grey isn't interested in that narrative. You could call it a deconstruction if you want (a bunch of macho dudes get dropped in the wilderness and they all die), but I think

Wait a sec, you're saying that some of Sigur Rós' music is actually other Sigur Rós music slowed down 800%? The snake is so so slowly eating its tail.

What is this server? What's serving us? Mocking us with the site we might've known?

Ah Gandahar. I remember reading somewhere that the North Korean animators refused to believe that women's breasts could be as large as Laloux wanted them drawn. His solution was to show them French porn. He could have just told them "This is sci-fi, don't worry about shit like that," but his solution involved porn and

Yes. Categorically yes.


O'Neal has really besmirched his escutcheon on this one.

I especially appreciated the criticism of the dude who didn't like drums.

It sounds like an exhausted, ragged, late-80s Tom Petty finally admitting to himself how unhappy he is and feeling a flood of relief verging on bliss.

Yeah, well you didn't, like, earn that bow, man.

They held a contest on their website when ( ) came out where the person with the best interpretation/explanation of some Hopelandic lyrics was awarded one of Jonsí's recently broken bows. The winner had a gloriously pretentious explanation of the lost language of "Essil." It's all very Sigur Ròssy and definitely worth

Don't trust that dude, he is high as fuck.

What about sand.

Black Keys is a good example. Man it's fun going through these old Pitchfork lists. I forgot how much they loved the Microphones and that one …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead record. I can't believe I typed that whole thing out.

Glancing at Pitchfork's best-of lists from the era (sorry, I know), a few early-millennium indie bands are still active and not shitty: Spoon, the New Pornographers, the Walkmen. But yeah, not that many.

A Grammy? Checkmate, @avclub-bd2a6b36835386ca1248899a4eed8729:disqus.

Your wife is six? Jesus fuck what country is this?

I'm only here for the firsties.