
as an epic fail.

Lawyers don't first.

Here you go Griboot:

It's going to be a real pain in the ass for ZMF to log in and out each time.

Yeah those fuckers always give you a rooster or something. It's almost like they're trying to misunderstand you.


John Wayne was fucking the Moms? I've got a lot of thinking to do.

(citation needed)

Alright O'Neal, there's no better place for constructive criticism. Please do something about this:

No Country pretty much did end when Moss was talking to that chick about beer.

Updike was never popular.:,

"Hi, Viking-Penguin? It's Elizabeth Gilbert. Could you pay for my divorce? I'll write about it. Thanks. Really appreciate it. Yeah, he's fine. I'll talk to you soon."

You got a thing for crossed eyes, Jones?

Whoa, sorry, that was unrelated. I think I drank too much buttermilk this morning. Congrats, Phel.


Don't forget the pasta, Stool. Lots of fucking pasta. Also the advance from whatever magazine offered to pay for this bitch's divorce.

I'm not interested unless Walken is hosting Tradio. Does NPR do that shit?

Robuttnik's story is still more interesting than Elizabeth Gilbert's.

this one's for you