
I thought this was an article about Amanda Plummer.  "If any of you fucking move I'll execute every last fucking one of you!"

Spike Lee's real name is Spikely Lieber.

Or she gets forced into doing a porn scene by two thugs and she blacks out and wakes up and they've both been killed because she had accidentally awakened her super powered dark side and then there's this cheerleader who heals really fast like Wolverine and then there's this guy who is fucking terrible actor and

Believe me, I saw the first movie and I still don't really care all that much.  It's a bunch of ingredients you've seen elsewhere (and I'm not talking about Battle Royale, internet shitheads) brought together in a nicer, cleaner-than-normal package that has a strong performance by Jennifer Lawrence, but just sort of

You mean ACADEMY AWARD winner Jim Rash?  They should put that in the opening credits.

There was real darkness in the movie.  There's the bit with the one armed zombie girl stalking a character from behind.  Every time he turns around she disappears into a giant shadow.  A gag like that wouldn't be possible if the night scenes were overlit.

Jesus,  I feel for you man.

@avclub-f8665a36d5a911922da81a12443887ed:disqus At the indie theater I saw The Raid at they showed the trailer for Deep Blue Sea.  
http://www.youtube.com/watc…  Again… not exactly the same demographic as the audience for The Raid.  Though, in a way, I respect the theater owners for assuming my taste in foreign movies

The composition, lighting and coloring reminds me of that Daniel Day Lewis photo which circulated a while back.  I'm curious if they were deliberately aping that style or if it was just a coincidence.  Okay, I''m not that curious.

You should have seen him on Inside the Actor's Studio.  He's actually a pretty good mimic for cadence and tone, he just doesn't give a shit most of the time.  If I remember correctly, he imitated John Gielgud, Peter Ustinov and Lawrence Olivier in order to demonstrate how they each differed stylistically in their

Maybe its because I saw it later, after a great deal of buzz, but I seriously disliked Rushmore after my first viewing.  After seeing (and instantly falling in love with) Royal Tenenbaums I revisited Rushmore, and liked it a little bit more, but even now, when I see it on TV I still feel indifferent.  Honestly, Life

Chris Rock thinks of comedy, especially stand up, not as an art form, but as a sport, since you can instantly tell if a comedian is winning or losing.  You could debate the artistic merits of a piece of music, a movie or a painting and arrive at a different opinion than the one you started with, but not with a joke.

@avclub-2ac233bc53744593f485e5752aaa692a:disqus  The "Redneck Zombie Torture Family"  was pretty direct commentary on the state of horror movie monsters.  They  are boring and they suck.  I loved the collective groan from the peanut gallery in the control room when Dana (unwittingly) summons them.  "Again?"

Fear of racism and stereotypes, I would imagine. Since they cast the show with a bunch of white people, if they predominantly showed Asians as the oppressed mud miners (who need rescuing), poor, uneducated hillbillies with bizarre customs (who need scolding), or as amoral criminals (who must be killed) then it

I read that in the voice of Dr. Krieger.

@avclub-dcc2ff10ec33aeb5da8ef76fadf60e28:disqus Jared Harris would make an excellent Klingon now that you mention it.  I'm talking Chriostopher Plummer/David Warner/Star Trek Undiscovered Country Klingons, not the Viking stereotypes of TNG, et al.  

This is movie is a classic if only for the scene where Richard Jenkins flips off a classroom full of 9 year old Japanese schoolchildren.  "Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you, FUCK YOU!"

I know those pictures of her have been on the internet a while, but man, in some of those she looks so eerily like her father.

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'… into the future.