
There was a lot of tension in the buildup through out first part of the movie.  After she gets into the game itself (past the cornucopia scene) it dissipates pretty quickly.

Sometimes this works out for the best.  MGM was converting the Cabin in the Woods into 3D when they folded.  Lionsgate bought it off of them and are now releasing it in "Mono~Vision" this weekend because "post-conversion sounds expensive.  Fuck that shit."

"Kwan's not even my real name…"

Shadow of the Vampire was better as a premise for a movie than it was a movie.  The most interesting character in Shadow was Willem Defoe's vampire who's barely in it.  The upcoming (sorta) time travel movie with Aubrey Plaza (Safety Not Guaranteed) looks like it has a similar problem.

Peggy could easily have Dawn fired by accusing her of theft, even if she were innocent.  That's what makes that moment a little fucked up.  Even after Peggy's drunken bonding session there's still a level of distrust and a power dynamic going on.

@avclub-1441762ea1630bc0605fdcef3984e996:disqus Me gusta.

Photoshop.  I remember a People magazine (or similar) with William Peterson on the cover where he was airbrushed to the point of being unrecognizable.  Who are they fooling by removing his wrinkles and gray hair?   They put him on the cover of their magazine to appeal to CSI fans who see him every week looking the way

She's the one who has a very classy sounding pornstar name: Olivia Wilde.

The CGI enhanced fight scene at 1:08 is already pretty weightless and dodgy looking, but after having just seen The Raid: Redemption over the weekend, Total Recall should be fucking ashamed of itself.  The Raid was the best action movie I've seen in.. I can't even fucking remember how long and was probably shot on an

An in medias res pre-credits teaser of Jennifer Lawrence looking scared, like she's about to die, ending with a close up shot of her face just as a knife plunges toward her.   And then movie jumps back in time to the beginning when she's all happy and clean looking .  And by the time the movie gets back to the opening

The House By Where Those Two Dogs Are Fucking.

Damn it, don't studios recognize that by making the same shitty movie, over and over again, they are diminishing our already exhausted supplies of snark?

"Everyone Gets Raped in the Cul-de-Sac," the wonderful new CBS sitcom.

The funniest detail about The Rage: Carrie 2 was that it didn't start out as a Carrie sequel, or even a remake; it was just a rip-off of Carrie.  At some point the production company  realized they actuall owned the rights to the original movie, so after a quick rewrite, they changed the title of "The Rage" to "The

She has heterochromia.  It's subtle, but it may explain why she was so perfect in Black Swan.  There's something weird about her eyes that makes you want to stare at her.

"It's big, like an old man's nose."  -Louis CK

I saw nothing cleavage-y at zero point-two-five.  Liar!
It's more like 0:24.

As someone who never read the books, parts of the ending made no fucking sense to me.  Would it have been that hard to explain that Harry's dad's patronus was a stag (something my brother had to tell me later)?  It introduces a time travel device that is never used again, even though ample opportunities, and needs for