
SPOILER (I guess) After finishing season one, and reading spoilers as to where these characters are in book five, what I really want/hope to see is, in the end, Arya reuniting with Nymeria and then Nymeria eating Cersei, belly first. Also, for Dany and her dragons, what better defense against unrelenting cold than

I had a couple of problems with 13 Assassins. The first is, admittedly, a little racist.  After the thirteen samurai get covered in mud and blood it's difficult to differentiate between them during the extended action scene.  It's hard to care about someone dying if you're not sure who they are.  My second problem

I love that when he finds out she slept with another sailor, she complains about how boring it is sitting around the house all day and she could have a career. 
"No wife of mine is gonna work!"For some reason their domestic squabbling always cracked me up.  Maybe it's because she has eight arms and he's fifty feet

It definitely felt like Ronald D. Moore made a checklist of all the things he wasn't allowed to do on TNG and Voyager and then did them on Battlestar Galactica.  Arguably, BSG's series finale was the ultimate "fuck you" to TNG's passive disregard and contempt for religious faith and spirituality.

When I saw 'The Scarlet Letter' in your paragraph whilst skimming I thought, for a moment, that this was going to be an impassioned defense of the 1995 box office bomb starring Demi Moore and Gary Oldman.

Watching an old episode of "Fat Albert" recently, I was struck by just how burnt out/stoned/defeated Bill Cosby looked in the bumpers.  It's like he knew how terrible the show was, but he couldn't change it, and couldn't get out of it, so he just came in a little hungover and stoned just so he didn't feel like a total

No other comedian has ever been referred to as "shameless" or "hilarious".  Even if those are hints meant for C.K., I still don't think it's him.  I remember an anecdote ages ago from Sarah Silverman about how some guy in the stand up comedy world with a lot of clout (implied to be a manager or promoter)  pulling his

What I mean is the trend of ending a film with unresolved loose ends or with a teaser for the "next installment", turning movies into trailers for other movies. I'm afraid that Prometheus will end with some obnoxious sequel hook that might never be picked up on if fails to make a quarter of a billion dollars opening

This is why you don't make part one of a trilogy.  I have similar worries over Prometheus.

Me right now: "Like…  Unlike? He it worked!  Like…  Unlike!  Like … Unlike! Like…  okay I'll stop."

Furthermore, I hope there'll be a rematch between the two of them in maybe Avengers 2, (the big bad brings Abomination in just to take out the Hulk) and Abomination kicks Hulk's ass in their first fight, monologuing as he does it, about how undisciplined and stupid he was the last time they fought.

I didn't watch it!  You can't sue me!

"Here's an appealing fellow.  They're a-peeling him off the sidewalk!"

Some blogger/journalistic was at Sundance, I think, wearing a t-shirt that had a picture of Tom Cruise and John Travolta on it saying "Scientology is Gay/ Really Gay".  Jenna Elfman saw the t-shirt and (allegedly)  started chasing him down the street screaming "You sick fuck —how many babies have you raped today?!!"


Considering how cheap Marvel is, a smaller Avengers sequel might be very enticing to them. Especially if they're contractually obligated to give everyone a pay raise between now and then.  I would die of joy if it was written by Joss Whedon and whole movie just everyone hanging out at Tony Stark's bachelor pad: Thor

Buffy is a Dark Horse property, not Marvel, unfortunately.  Off topic: I keep waiting for a Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Hellboy/B.P.R.D crossover though.  That would be sweet.

It could just boil down to experience.  Tim Roth's character was a trained killer, yes, but he got his training as a human with human size, weight, strength and  reflexes.  It kind of fucks up whatever experience or training you have, if you literally know nothing about your own body or what its capabilities are.

Forbush Man.  Which reminds me.  There needs to be a NextWave movie.  I have no idea how or why but just do it.