
Like snowflakes, they both suck in their own unique way.

Oh yeah, I saw that movie in IMAX 3D.  I was so distracted by the movie sucking I actually forgot I was wearing 3D glasses.

Joss Whedon has said it was way easier to write things for the girl with the pistol and the guy with a bow and arrow than it was writing for the god of thunder.  I wonder if that means Loki is going to take out Thor early on.

I bet that after the town rallies together and the court let's him off scot-free you find out Jack Black really is a deranged serial killer who has bodies buried in his back yard.  That's usually how these movies work.

I wouldn't be surprised if between now and the premiere he'll go from being a widower to just divorced.  Executive: "Death is a little heavy for a comedy series .  Can't she just leave him in the pilot?"  "Also, we all love Will Forte, but test audiences think he's creepy and off putting.  Y'know… we've been looking

Boyle, a few years before he got Everybody Loves Raymond, shared an anecdote about going to a bookstore and seeing one on Hollywood actors who've played famous movie monsters.  For his own amusement he flipped through it and found Young Frankenstein.  To his shock, the book listed him as deceased. He had survived a

The words "frothy" and/or "mixture" must be somehow worked into the comment as well.

E.A. Spurts.

I like how after trying to post a comment Disqus told me I have to post a comment before I can comment.

I vaguely remember a clever scene early on where Kingsley's character wakes up hung over only to find that his house has been snowed in.  So he grabs a shovel and a bottle of vodka and chucks the bottle into the snowdrift so he has dig a path to fetch it.  That was pretty good.  I'm not 100% sure that scene was in You

Agreed, my only problem was that the sequel was enough like the first movie (story, creature design, music, tone) that it retroactively ruined the original for me.  MiB wasn't some hallowed series of films like Star Trek or Indiana Jones, that could whether a crappy installment: it was  one decent, but easily

As a scifi fan, this whole franchise is just wasted potential.  The premise is actually pretty good for generating stories, when you think about it.  If another filmmaker rebooted this thing, and took the characters and the story just a tiny bit more seriously, we could be… aw, forget it.  That's never gonna happen.

I like weirdly structured films that leave movie goers with uncertainty about what happens next.  The Dark Knight does it, kind of, by having the big set piece from the trailer (the semi flipping end over end) and the Joker's arrest all occurring near the middle of the film.

Pointed out on Badass Digest, about 27 seconds in there's what appears to be an unfinished green screen inside a water tank, behind Will Smith.  Either its full of evenly distributed green ooze/algae, or there's going to be some alien fish swimming around in it (or both).  Either way, the presence of unfinished

I heard that Paltrow is definitely doing a cameo and maybe Natalie Portman.

Who is this Josh Wheldon?

He has that in common with Ben Kingsley, I think.

This was surprisingly good.

I still think Peter Jackson has at least one more (relatively) low-budget horror comedy  in him.  He's just graduated to a different level of film making now which means it'll be harder for him (after The Hobbit is done shooting in like, four years) to justify a smaller film since he has this whole infrastructure and