
Ah, yes! The little seen third Lonely Island bandmate who is not as attractive as Andy Samberg or Jorma Taccone.

"stop motion capture"?>  Is that like Mark Ruffallo manipulates a puppet of Hulk via stop motion (ala King Kong) or that Mark Rufallo is the stop motion puppet that the animators manipulate.  "Hold still Mark!  Hold still! We're about to take the picture!"

Forgetfulness: Thor's Kryptonite.

Sometime after "Hail to the Thief", their albums started blurring together.  This may be due to the rise of MP3 and the I-Pod shuffle, but there was a time when I listened to Radiohead albums from beginning to end.  I could recite the track list from Kid A perfectly (give or take "Treefingers") but can't really tell

I think I read somewhere that Draper, who is supposed to be on the cutting edge of fashion, still wearing a hat is a bit of an error.  I think Kennedy and James Bond sort of killed it, as a men's fashion accessory.

In any case: "she drives me cray-zay / oooh-oooh/  like no one e-else / oooh-oooh…."

Horse joke.

"Like" seems wrong in this case.  So, I think we should get an "I concur" button.

Too bad they need a movie star to bankroll movies like this.  Someone like Richard Jenkins would've made an excellent Kolchak.

Johnny Depp investigating the supernatural and occult.  So… a PG Ninth Gate?  Only funnier, y'know, because of Edgar Wright.

Teddy Roosevelt hunted Sasquatch.  Every child knows that.  Why do you think he founded so many national parks?

I really hope Frederick Douglas is Murtaugh to his Riggs.

I heard Abe Lincoln was born in a log cabin… that he built with his own bare hands!

I can only imagine what the line would be in the eventual reboot.  "Barack Obama?  Who's vice president?  The Ayatollah?"

Googling RDD I got  "Respiratory Drug Delivery"  or "Radiological Dispersion Device".

Its funny that James Caviezal was often rumored for Superman during the Bryan Singer period, since he played the father of Henry Cavill in Count of Monte Cristo (they even look alike).  The same thing is kinda happening now with Lincoln too.  Benjamin Walker is starring in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, and the only

I think McG knows he sucks as a director, but he doesn't know how to get better. Leading up to the premiere he talked about how he really wanted to blow audiences and critics away with Terminator: Salvation, by making a really good, worthy follow-up.  The trailer didn't look bad either.  Then the reviews came out and

They considered making Riley the villain, and even teased it at one point before deciding to keep him a good guy.  This was controversial in the writer's room because "if not him who then?'  Spike being the 'Yoko', splitting the group up near the end of the season, happened out necessity as he was the only character

Timberlake's rendition of Bon Iver was pretty damn good.  It's just seems odd that Bon Iver is now famous enough to be sketch material on SNL.  Not that long ago I was confusing them with Fleet Foxes, Grizzly Bear and Department of Eagles.