
@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus  I love the moment right after that too, where he realizes what he just said and blurts out: "Can we— …I don't want to talk anymore."

Mexican is totally the new Jew. I don't even know what that means.

Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio in "The Abyss".  I was maybe six at the time.  Later, it was Trini Alvarado in The Frighteners and Paulie.  In retrospect it's clear I had I had a thing for older, mature, wavy haired brunettes.  Still do.

This guy looks and sounds like my grandfather (and probably everyone else's too), except my grandpa hates miscegenation, homosexuals, and "the Japs".

I'm sure to Lear this ultimatum was a Win-Win.  I remember early on, before the critical acclaim built up for 30 Rock, an exhausted Tina Fey got very excited at the prospect of her show being cancelled, since it would mean she could take time off and go to Hollywood, and make a fortune fixing the screenplays of

Wouldn't it be great if Colin Firth played himself?  Just sitting on his couch reading on his laptop about the new Atom Egoyan movie on the West Memphis Three and then calling his agent to see if he can have a part in it.  And that was his entire role.

I miss Darren Aronofsky's version more and more.  It would have been set in Los Angeles 20 or-so years after the first RoboCop movie (basically the same time that had elapsed in real life) with the story being about a new RoboCop and with characters referencing the "Old Detroit program".   You could easily have Peter

Behold! The love child of Scott Speedman and Michael Pitt!

I vaguely remember Louis CK and Chris Rock (maybe in Talking Funny) relating how people ask them all the time what their favorite joke is and they never know what to say, because its not how they do comedy.  They don't structure their jokes around the punchlines.

Hey, that's the same as my PIN number!  Wait, I mean, forget I said anything!

Who could play a 20-something Louis C.K.? Conan O'Brien maybe?

I have a feeling he'll get a story credit on the pilot and that's it.  He's raising his kids, doing standup, writing, producing, directing, editing and starring in his own series and he lives in New York, not Los Angeles.  I can't imagine he'll be that involved in the day-to-day, except maybe talking to Ferestein over

And to think the caped crusader saved that little shit's life in Batman Begins.

My thirteen year old self was very disappointed with this movie.

He hangs some serious dong.

Improve streaming quality too.  I'm sick of freeze frames, fuzzy images and out of sync audio.  Someone might say, oh, that's just your computer's memory problem, or oh, that just connection speed, and I'll say fuck off.  I don't have those problems with Youtube or Vimeo or QuickTime; it's Netflix Streaming problem,

Just as this started happening in TV,  it began cropping up in comics as well.  The big problem with serializing a comic though is waiting a month, or more, for the next "episode", instead of a week like on TV.  There's not much sense in paying four dollars for the latest issue if it doesn't advance the main plot,

The chances of the Oscars getting it right this time is about as good as that homeless junkie on the street corner using your money for anything other booze or meth.  I think Vulture has a rant about how the Academy Awards is the new Miss America pageant: something that used to be a big deal, but is now a bit of a sad

A few years ago I watched an episode of Modern Marvels (or whatever) on the History Channel that was on the first multistory buildings.  It went into the engineering involved in keeping large structures stable, before seguing into modern skyscrapers.  Then, without pausing or even changing the narrator's cheery tone