
So basically, this is one of those big ensemble indie dramas set on the east coast about a   family of successful (or at least good looking) adult siblings who don't look or sound anything alike, but get in interesting situations, have moments of self discovery and then learn lessons about the things that really

I especially love it when the aerial shots are completely different from the rest of the film, meaning it was probably archival footage spliced in by the editor.  While it's more prevalent on TV than in movies, both The Dark Knight and Mission Impossible 4 have establishing helicopter shots on IMAX film sandwiched

And I hope its as good as you hope he hopes he hopes… it… aw, fuck.

Had probably the best concert experience with The Arcade Fire, back before they were really famous yet.  At the end of the night the band jumped down form the stage and exited through the main doors that led out to the lobby.  My group and I bolted down the stairs and and found them playing in the middle of the

So did I.   Its just that if you told me in 2002 that there would be a Thor movie and an Avengers movie I never would have believed you.

The Hannibal Lecter Show?  Seriously?  I recall the initial headline a while back but I couldn't believe it at first.  You would think a struggling network would take more risks instead of  aping their competitors.  Why can't every year, someone get the "Louis C.K. deal"?  Small amount of money, low risk, no contract.

Its sad how they had to bleach Jessica Albas's hair and lighten her skin and make her wear contacts lenses since their weren't any blonde haired, blue eyed, actresses  in Hollywood.

@avclub-c76b6ace370e59a66eb61f837dcc7b5e:disqus  [insert Grampa Simpson quote here]

Marvel Studios don't own it.  Fox does.  Basically Marvel made a bunch of money selling off their best, most beloved characters (and Daredevil) to other studios so they could open their own and start movie franchises with the ones leftover. Hence we have Thor, probably the least likely superhero to get his own

Yeah, I don't care that much.  But, people are actually getting worked up over this, which is unusual, and yet no article I've read talking about her performance has actually explained why anyone should give a shit.  Usually if some flash-in-the-pan singer gives a bad performance on SNL they slide back into obscurity,

Okay, I'm still not sure who the hell this person is, and why I should care.  Can someone explain this? Is she some Bieber-type singer who started on YouTube? Is that all this is?

I just got this image of Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollah cruising the red light district for some tranny hookers.

This talk of mid-nineties CGI reminded me of director Brett Leonard's oeuvre.  He was a big proponent computer effects and made a few mediocre films with some pretty atrocious CGI.  I'm talking the virtual world in Lanwmower Man, the CGI bullet holes in Virtuosity and his version of Heaven and Hell from Hideaway.

Okay this thread is one Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio reference away from name dropping all of my prepubescent mid-nineties childhood crushes.

@avclub-443461f22c379e8d6c249374e586581e:disqus @avclub-e53fc2424af041d07a7eef5cd8773505:disqus 
I don't think Braindead Jackson is fundamentally different from Lord of the Rings Jackson. He toned himself down quite a bit for a PG-13, but he still giggles like schoolboy any time there's blood or gore in the LotR

Trivia: Peter Jackson cameos in the movie as a satanic/goth/death metal/punk-rocker person.  Because of time constraints he had to wear the costume, fake tats, black eye make up, piercings, etc for the whole day's shoot, which was coincidentally the same day the American press and studio executives came down to New

Him not intervening on the playground is my favorite part.  "Let him do a little somethin' first, because I want this kid in my life."

How awesome would it be if C.K. played Plato in a movie about ancient Greece?

"Plug many holes" ..with cock.  *sighs* And so forth.