
I liked this movie more than the person I saw it with, and yet I find I think about it less and less.  Though I liked the slow pace at the start, the movie isn't about very much at all. The whole story is predictable, but the last half becomes a drawn out waiting game for Sacha Baron Cohen's inspector to finally do

Adepero Oduye played the black girl Louie follows home in season one episode Dentist/Tarese.  "Suck a dick, son."

I started visiting this website on a daily basis when I realized that 8 out of ten reviews I agreed with.  I go to Rotten Tomatoes for the consensus and AvClub for the second more detailed opinion.  That usually doesn't steer me wrong.  I agree with the B+.  The rape scenes would make the movie hard to watch the

I would have liked a (very brief) scene showing RAF personnel and MPs buzzing around outside, marveling at how this pilot managed to get his plane (damaged and low on fuel) all the way from German airspace to the English countryside.

He's definitely going to return.  Those costumes probably cost a pretty penny.  I can see Moffat bringing the three of them back if only just for a cameo, similar to the pirates and the P-40s in A Good Man Goes to War.

Since we're youtubing I might as show my favorite Matt Smith-as-Eleven moment.   ( http://www.youtube.com/watc… )  Tennant got outraged and made threatening speeches way too often for it to be convincing anymore.  When Eleven gets angry it's downright chilling.

Hollywood exec: "Steinfeld doesn't sell in the fly-over states.  Can the character be called Hailee Roberts instead?"

Sounds like Kurt Russell and, I suppose, a lot of old school actors who had no interest in the field until they found out how much money was in it.  I'm wondering if that's why all of Hollywood's leading men are now English or Australian: the handsome American tough guys (with the social and business skills to become

I didn't know who Mark Margolis was (at least by name), when I read the book, but now that you mention it, he's pretty much the person I was picturing in my head.   I think Mazer was described as looking very old, almost eighty, but still very vital and clever.

So basically: she can get the job but can she do the job?  I'm not arguing that with you.  

I'm not against philanthropic celebrities making issue movies, its just that she seems to have skipped past all the smaller scale projects that would have been learning experiences and jumped right on the main prize.  Because she could do that.

Why would Angelina Jolie start her directing career with a movie about the Bosnian war?  If she was being serious about directing, she would have started with shorter projects (like commercials) and grow from there.  Do something biographical first.  Adapt a novel set in  your home town like Ben Affleck.  Many experien

I'm like an elephant in the room.  People are like… "okay, he's in there".

Graff spends most of the story fucking with Ender, like by praising his military genius in front of the whole academy to make everyone hate him and then abandoning Ender to be torn to shreds by older bullies.   He does it deliberately to make Ender a better leader and fighter, but ultimately, Graff is a dubious,

I read that as "scat action" for some reason.

ScarJoLeHansonTt's fighting style involved a lot of butt shots and wrapping her legs around her opponent, whereas Summer Glau's fighting style was always about demonstrating off her coordination and flexibility.  In order to make Catwoman remotely plausible they should give her a weapon like an electrified whip or

In order to fight Catwoman Batman would need to hang high above her and swoop in at the right moment like a… helicopter.

The first one, at least, made the masks look somewhat fake and immobile. The second movie took it to ridiculous extremes where it seemed like everybody had one. The simple fact that Abrams made the unrealistically perfect, life-like, latex masks a major plot point instead of characters just producing one out of thin

It came as a shock to me to find out that Damon Wayons is old enough to have a grown ass son.  Oh that's right,  In Living Color premiered in 1990.  21 Years ago.