
Saying that Tom Cruise has a "bizarre personal life" makes him sound like Troy McClure.

I also heard the final numbers for the Radiohead album were never released and that most people downloaded it for free.  Though arguably a majority of the people who downloaded it without paying for it, wouldn't have bought it, or let alone listen to it anyway.

The movie should have ended with her riding her bike up to Michael Cera and just before they start singing he hands her a box full of morning after pills.  "For last night.  Let's nip this in bud before it gets finger nails."  They high five, in freeze frame followed by White Snake's Here I Go Again.  

FYI, multiple consonants makes it sound like you're stuttering (T-T-T-T) or sounding out letter (Tee-ee-ee-ee-ee). *shrugs*

And the exchange rate is terrible.

Made me immediately think of this:

In the biopic about them (with Michael Chiklis as Curly) Larry apologizes to Curly for hitting too hard during a Vaudeville routine.  Curly admonishes him and tells him to hit harder.  He wants the people in the back of the theater to be able to hear the slap.  That's fucking commitment.

I have a feeling that the stoner played by Fran Kranz, who balks at the idea of splitting up, is going to be the hero just by virtue of having common sense.  That alone could be enough to work as a deconstruction.  "He guys instead of just assuming the thing's dead why don't we cut off its head and make sure?"

He certainly repeats character types.  See Xander, Wash and Topher.  Not that I'm complaining.

I'll watch to see Conan try his best to make everyone seem like funny, interesting people worth listening to, and for Seth McFarlane quietly opening the third bottle of wine while feigning interest Tyra's new clothing line/charity.

This show is EXACTLY like Breaking Bad.  If it were on Showtime.

He's a Time Lord.

They're going to get on the floor and start blowing each other, but not in the good way like two gay guys would where they get hard halfway through. Just two heterosexual males sucking each other's flaccid penises and crying —because they are so confused!

One way to do this is make them indispensable to the story like say, making them the hero.  "But that would just be silly.  Who would pay money to see that?" Said every Hollywood producer since the dawn of time.  This trope exists for the same reason black dudes die first in horror movies: they made the fatal mistake

For the record, I don't think it was conscious on their part.  They were just being so unconventional and original on this show they stumbled right back into something old and formulaic.  Also as the OP was obliquely pointing out, this treatment already happens to women in fiction quite a lot.

"Hey you know what we could do that's really original and edgy?  Lesbians getting killed after having sex.  Maybe they're like naked and shit."

I bet she was off because of the accent; she's been good in everything else I've seen her in.  Also her character was completely superfluous and had no reason to exist.  At one point, Hugo tell her how the world is like a big machine and how every part of the machine serves a function and is indispensable. As I

According to wikipedia, after Taxi Driver, Scorsese was offered the role of Charles Manson (and a couple things).  Not to direct, just act in movies.  Which is funny since other than the occasional cameo, that one scene in Taxi Driver is pretty much the most acting he's ever done.  He's like a reverse Shyamalan.  

Asa Butterfield is great in this movie.  SPOILER When the automaton is seemingly broken and his character just loses it, I really felt uncomfortable watching him, as he came across less like a child performer and more like a real person suffering a nervous breakdown right in front of you.