
"Hey!  *leans into microphone* Take off your shirt."

How about a documentary about that sneezing panda?

You've heard of super-villains who like to party before, but Bane likes to PAR-TAY, consistently and thoroughly.

Or maybe he's The Traveler from TNG.  That's just what Richard Belzer looks like when he gets old.

Which is why I wish Zombieland was picked up as a series*.    We could be having all the zombie violence and gore of Walking Dead but with a much lighter tone, like Shaun of the Dead.  Plus Emma Stone kicking ass on weekly basis.

There was an article on Cracked about how that little crossover resulted in The X-Files and The Wire inhabiting the same universe, since Detective Munch cameo'd on The Wire too.  It's unfortunate they didn't capitalize on that with a UFO crash landing in Baltimore or something.  We could of had Attack the Block a lot

The actor who plays John McGarrigle could play James Cromwell in a flashback, as tall as he is.

"Man, that Henson guy's a real dick!"  *snorts line of cocaine off groupie's ass*

My parents would take homeless people (sometimes) literally off the street and into our house growing up.  Consequently, I have very little charity or sympathy for the ones I see pan handling on every corner.   Chances are, they are homeless because they've burned every bridge and are emotional and financial parasites.

-1 for being the offspring of Phil Collins, though.

I'm thinking this is another movie, like Stardust, that's trying to get the ineffable tone of Princess Bride. Only they have pop culture references, like Shrek.  So… Bollywood movie?

You compare him to another Indian director?  You racist!

The fact that PETA hates this makes it cool.  Now I want there to be a video game called Slaughter House where you shoot cows in the head with the air gun from No Country for Old Men, drain their blood, skin them, etc.  Or maybe its like the Sims crossed with Temple Grandin where you have to redesign the Slaughter

Maybe his character dramatically removes it, like a dude taking his shirt off before a fight.   *throws wig on ground* "Come at me bro!"

There's healing tentacles at the end of in Nausicaa Valley of the Wind.  Also the heroine in that movie wears light, almost flesh tone, colored plants with a billowy skirt.  I guess it caused of some controversy, at least in America, as it looked like she was going commando.

Also, I have to say that reaction video is adorable.  

It also means Licky is British.  "Jumper."  Hah!

Twelve Monkeys is a good one, though they meet before he kidnaps her.  Plus, partway through she successfully convinces him that he's insane and to turn himself in.  And then she realizes he was telling the truth, and has convince him she was wrong.  They even acknowledge this trope too, with Christopher Meloni's

I've heard that many Twilight fans who read the books based on Stephanie Meyer's recommendation were disappointed in them because they didn't spend enough time on the love triangle.  So, +1 for Hunger Games.

I had no idea The Rape of the Sabine Women was the basis of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.  That's pretty fucked up, old people.  Also I learned a new word today: bolthole.