
which tumblr?
Ii'm too lazy to google "Richard Harrow Halloween costume tumblr", but not too lazy to write it in a reply apparently… (I mean, Christ, I wouldn't even have to write it a second time. I could just copy-paste what I wrote above.)

Killed instantly? While they might be lying to spare his family's feelings, it sounds like someone is going to jail and/or sued.  Most Hollywood explosions are just fireballs with balsa wood and foam launched from an air cannon: dangerous, but having very little in common with an actual explosion.  I'm thinking

I don't think Cronenberg has mellowed that much.  What I loved about A History of Violence and Eastern Promises was how the blood and gore in both movies were almost fetishistic in detail.  So often a throat slit or a headshot is accomplished through just a liberal application of blood on the actor's neck or head that

Someone told him Eddie Vedder was going to do one.  Biirn.

Vlad the Impaler was also "Great".  Greatness isn't necessarily a synonym for goodness or quality.

I have a feeling that NBC famously bought this show and 30 Rock at the same time so they could avoid negative portrayals of SNL.  They probably thought, from the pilot, that Studio 60 was going to  be a lot more hard hitting and revelatory than it turned out to be.

I was all excited for this because it had Hisako, a character invented during Joss Whedon's run on Astonishing X-Men.  But then poor voice dubbing and belabored exposition put me to sleep.

Thank you for noticing my profound hatred for young soldiers serving in Afghanistan because they were EXACTLY who I was talking about.

"…the film spends much more time with its D’Artagnan, played by Percy Jackson star Logan Lerman as a cocky, hard-to-like asshole. (If Lerman’s goal here was to establish himself as the first person to call when Shia LaBeouf turns down a part, then mission accomplished.) "

Oh yeah, Led Zeppelin is baby making music.

I stopped buying Tomine comics because I never wanted to re-read them.  I've read Ice Haven at least three times, so: Dan Clowes wins!

I always felt that Alexander Payne and Dan Clowes are like alternate universe version of each other.  What if Dan Clowes got into filmmaking instead of comic books?  What if Alexander Payne got into drawing at a young age instead of photography (or whatever he did)?  I'm still trying to figure who Adrian Tomine's film

I loved Night Court, too, but it premiered nearly thirty years ago (Jesus, that just made me feel old).  Maybe they could use stereotypes from this decade?  Have they asked Omid Djalili or one of the guys from Four Lions to play a stereotypical A-rab?  Who am I kidding?, this is network TV.  Even that would be too

Yeah, even then Scarlett is still pretty hot.

He lied!  It was agony!  Oh, the dramatic irony!

I love Kat Dennings, but I still have not made it through one episode of this show, because of their stereotypical Asian boss at the restaurant.  After Michael Richards' incident at a comedy club, Chris Rock made a comment that always stuck with me, to paraphrase: he said he was more offended by what Richards said as

I'm thinking @avclub-1eb590c1259ff05809830227e2b7e782:disqus is confusing Fincher with Chuck Palahniuk. I can imagine someone telling him "you hear that guy who did Fight Club is totally gay?" and him making the logical leap that it was Fincher, and not the author.  Though it wouldn't surprise me if he was.  Finding

Just between you and me, if Scarlett Johansson asked me to have sex with her, there is a very real possibility I would say yes.

They all get killed after the first attack right?  And can it be a snuff movie?

@Oh the Possibilities
Okay, so I'm pretty sure that this comment was facetious.  People getting offended by this worries me.  I don't want the AV Club comments section to turn into Gawker or Jezebelle, or God Forbid, YouTube comments.  Old Louis C.K. joke: white New Yorker in Africa: "Look at all these minorities!"