
The characters they have movie rights to pretty much are the ones you see in the Avengers.  X-Men are owned by Fox.  Spider-Man is at Sony.  I can't remember where the others are at, but basically that's the reason we're getting a Batman Begins style reboot of Spider-Man so soon after the Raimi movies.  If they waited

He did say he would be happy doing an adaptation of Glengarry Glen Ross after meeting the whole cast.  I think we all know who Sam Jackson would play.  Put. The. Coffee.  Down.  Motherfucker!

How about its animated with super heroes?  Hank is like regional superman, all arrogant swagger with a square chin and a cape, but only defends New Mexico and the outlying areas.  Walt is still a chemistry teacher with cancer, but he figures out a formula that gives the user superpowers and starts selling it through

Wright mentioned the idea was to do a heist movie but set in a comic book super hero universe, which sounds awesome.

And I stopped stomping on peoples' heads in elevators.

There's something about [this guy who threw a hot dog at Tiger Woods]  that [he] can't explain.  [We're] talking about [him], boy,  but [he]'s the still same.

What I liked about her scenes in 50/50 was that even when she was flirting or just opening up to to Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character, she was still trying to remain professional and at a distance, and interrupting herself before it went too far, which seemed more realistic.  (It reminded me of some interactions I've

Movies are a dying medium!  If she wants to be famous she has to get into the Twitter!  She could be the next Myrna Loy in 160 characters or less!

The last episode should be fun.  Hopefully the writers play around with killing them off in some horrific way.  I hated the anti-climactic finale of Beavis and Butthead and would have preferred the alternate ending proposed in the writers room:  Beavis and Butthead walk off into the sunset only for a semi to appear

The Wire's head writer once stated that most cops in real life are vain and think they are intellectually superior to the criminals they're investigating.  Even the good ones.  So while the arrogant blowhard cop is a stereotype its definitely rooted in reality.

He was also the SWAT team leader in Terminator 2.  He's in a gas mask the whole time, but there is a good close up of his face as he sees Joe Morton with the detonator and thinks "holy shit".

Blast!  Either way, its the buzzkill at the end of the tour.  After a couple hours of being blown away by de Goyas and Vermeers you get to the last room and find everyone walking around looking like they just smelled a fart.

You think "Pirates of the Caribbean" would go without saying since pirates already do that.

Lars von Trier is like the modern art wing at the local art museum.  Just really crap sculptures and paintings made out of garbage covered in Christmas tree lights that could be done in an hour and just sit there, wasting space, because the artist is some weird person who shoveled feces in an insane asylum in

Man, just how creepy are the HD episodes?  I still don't understand point of a hi-def, all digital version of a hand drawn animated cartoon.

The cast should demand eleventy billion dollars per line of dialogue read; non-negotiable.  Maybe that will finally end the series.

Okay this is extremely dorky and unnecessary but while watching Attack the Block I couldn't help but think this movie feels a lot like a modern episode of Doctor Who!  …except y'know with more violence and gore, and swearing (and no Doctor).  But how awesome would it be if those "Gorilla-Wolf-Motherfuckers" appeared

Sex joke aside, I think they should have a story where Tennant returns and partners up with Eleven and River, since River recognized the Tenth Doctor immediately and assumed they were already past introductions.  This should be the morose wanderer Tenth Doctor post-Waters of Mars, and pre-End of Time.  At the end of

In middle school a girl I barely knew went around telling people I was her boyfriend.  While that was borderline stalker behavior, I was/am a fat nerd and she was kind of awkward and cute.  We had one conversation on the way to school in which she flat out asked me on a date.  Embarrassed and panicking, I came up with

"Annus mirabilis" is an inherently funny word.  Also, I was surprised by the Coriolanus trailer that they were pronouncing his name not "Coriol-AH-nus" but instead the more snicker inducing "Coriol-AY-nus".