
But we'd be nothing without their guidance!  How can I decide what is worth liking unless a large number of anonymous people voted for it?

I arrived early for a movie not that long ago and was subjected to the onslaught of commercials and TV promos that air before the trailers now in most theaters.  One of the more irritating ones was a five minute commercial for the Playboy Club, which I hadn't seen anything on before, and annoyed the shit out of me.

Tintin feels like a movie made solely for the international market, since, like Futbol, Tintin is big everywhere except in America.

I'm sure as the movie gets closer to coming out he'll turn it into a regular bit.

 Nicholas Winding Refn is another director who will always make interesting, critically acclaimed films but will never pick up a statue, since, like Cronenberg, he's too interested with the stuff that turns off academy voters.  He and Cronenberg share an almost fetishistic interest in violence and gore. There's an

I don't know if the Playboy Club has premiered yet, but I really can't imagine how that will work as a TV show.  As a movie, without Hugh Hefner's involvement?  Sure.  But it just seems like, putting that on network TV, pretty much guarantees that neither side of my brain is going to get what it wants.  Its going to

I love the fact that del Toro was explaining himself to this guy was brought in at the last minute, on a reshoot.  Del Toro has said before that making Mimic was one of the worst experiences of his adult life, worse than when his father was kidnapped, since at least with a kidnapping there was motive and protocol.  He

@avclub-dc7008f6bd89036db2513d35ef4b537c:disqus  SPOILER WARNING  FOR A SEVEN YEAR OLD MOVIE
The fact that his whole relationship with the woman was a guilt induced fantasy makes it whole different movie cliche.

Maybe I'm being unfair, but Zach Braff looks like an asshole.  As a straight dude, if I had to have sex with another man and I had to choose between Zach Braff and Paul Giamatti, I would pick Giamatti without a moment of hesitation.  He looks like a cuddler and a cryer.  Braff seems like the type who would use you and

I wonder if its from a need to have multiple posters.  Studio types and marketing people probably want the artist to come up with multiple examples for them to choose from, so the guy spends a day and half in photoshop flipping bodies and swapping heads until he has a half dozen versions of the same image, only for

Cuba Gooding Jr. is a poor man's Cuba Gooding Jr.

Man, y'all are slow when it comes to trailers.  No extended "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" trailer.  No "Carnage".


The Doctor has already been shown to view most humans as children.  One of my favorite little character moments in the Silurian two-parter last year was when he addressed the gray-haired foreman and the middle aged female geologist as "you lads".  This would also be why he was so creeped out when Amy tried to kiss him

@Spituna Steven Moffat already has.  In the writer's room, he argued that she should survive the episode but forgot that by the time the episode aired.

This reminds me of an argument I once read about how we view "open-mindedness" and skepticism as opposing positions when in fact, they are the same position.  Many people who believe in government conspiracies, Big-Foot, UFOs, miracles etc. espouse cases that support their position but ignore evidence that would

I love the fact that, on the surface, Bronson sounds a lot like a Guy Ritchie/Jason Statham movie (much in the same way Drive sounds like a Transporter knock-off) only to subvert that expectation in every way imaginable.  He's not fighting against corrupt guards or an evil warden.  He isn't saving his fellow prisoners

He's not really a "hardened underworld mercenary".  The film makes it clear that the only reason Ryan Gosling's character works as a wheel man for robberies is because he no life outside of driving.  The only gun he fires in the movie wasn't even his.  Plus in the second half when he turns vicious and homicidal its

It's also heavily implies that Rory has no fear left.  Death?  Torture?  Clowns?  Please.

Yeah, I would never compare Drive to the Transporter movies, and I like the Transporter movies.  It really is its own animal.  Besides that, Drive is not an action movie.  If you go in expecting a car chase every fifteen minutes you're going to be disappointed.