
I'm shy and creative and snobbish, and it takes me a while to warm up to people, and I went out with girl, who basically arm twisted me into a date, who was really funny and extroverted, who dyed her hair different colors and got drunk at parties (which was how we started talking in the first place).  So, on our first

Its interesting listening to Louis C.K.'s critique of his own show on WTF with Marc Maron.  He felt they over-rehearsed each episode, removing spontaneity and killing the jokes.  Had they gotten a second season, C.K. said he would not have gone to rehearsals, which was what Jackie Gleason did on the Honeymooners.  He

I quit reading as soon the review mentioned that the monster may or may not exist.  Man, I hate those movies.   Films that keep trying to pull the rug out from under you only encourage you not to stand on the stupid rug.

John Carpenter made The Thing so it could be seen by a twelve-year-olds alone in their bed, at 2 am on a Friday night.  Nothing could have prepared me for that movie, and even at that age, I was still pretty jaded.  Blair Witch is a bit underrated, due to the over-hype on release.  To go way back in my timestream,

Yeah, nobody goes to plays anymore.  They play XBoxes and eat cold pizza and don't bathe.  What is it with young people, huh?

She and Lizzy Caplan should play sisters.  Who make out all the time.

I thought everyone in the movie was well cast, except maybe  Anjelica Huston as Sam Rockwell's mother.

Amy was stuck in one place, getting attacked over and over again anytime she wandered away from a safe zone.  Basically she was a prisoner within a zombie apocalypse that never let up.  Rory at least had the solace that he knew what he was in for. Besides, other than some initial bitterness Old Amy seemed relatively

When it comes to dead family members, everyone is different.  I can see his late mother being his biggest supporter.  After a fight or a rejection or after a bad day at work he might have called her and talked her ear off for ninety minutes just to hear her tell him how much everyone else was wrong and that he is a

I'll watch the Emmys just to see Louis C.K. uncomfortably smiling while the audience applauds.

I like how as soon as he brings up George Carlin's death he has to rush through the rest of his speech because his eyes are watering and his voice is trembling.  And yet he still feels the need to apologize for not ending funny.

Krabapple: We want our old Seymour back!
Town People: Yeah!
Real Skinner: Aren't you people forgetting something here?  I'm the real Seymour Skinner!
Homer: (stepping in) I think we can all agree to a compromise that will we leave both parties satisfied.  
(Cut to the real Seymour Skinner tied to a train leaving town.)

Speculative Fiction is a better name for the genre, especially since most Sci-Fi movies don't focus on the 'science' part at all.

I'd really like to see a silent horror film.  No scare chords, or sound effects or red blood.  Try to make something scary though mood and visuals alone.  Basically do a Junji Ito comic as a film and you're partway there.

Not to mention Sideways.  A failed alcoholic writer and his washed up actor friend touring Californian wine country.  Why, it has universal appeal!

While I'm interested in del Toro's take on it, I'm always worried about Lovecraft adaptations.  To my knowledge, there hasn't been a decent one yet.  The fact that it was described as being in 3D worried me the most.  The whole point of Lovecraft's monsters is that a great deal of them is left up to your imagination.

Not to mention his role in Green Mile.  And here I thought he was a character actor typecast as creeps.

They should have Buster Keaton in it. Fatty Arbuckle discovered Keaton in his vaudeville days and took him under his wing. After the scandal broke, Buster was forced to quietly distance himself from Arbuckle, but regretted doing so as he was a huge influence on him and his career. Buster Keaton was an alcoholic

He dressed up like Fatty Arbuckle too I'd imagine.

Every unidentified person associated with Louis C.K in any way is Marc Maron, as Louis has no other friends.