
My father who passed away would have loved this
He complained, on a daily basis, over the fact that they still weren't new Beavis and Butthead.

Carpenter suggested how a sequel to the original could work after all these years too: 'the wrinkles on Kurt Russel and Keith David's faced would be from exposure.' Also, apparently, they found a locker full of porter house steaks to explain why they're so bloated too.

"The Town" is pretty bad. If I saw a listing for a movie called "the Town" starring Ben Affleck with no other information to go on I would assume its a Mumford-esque romantic comedy about a small town full of quirky characters starring Ben Affleck and Gretchen Mol circa 1998.

Also, how ridiculous did Malfoy look in the one shot he was in? It's like they glued yellow straw to his face and called it a beard.

I read that they shot like three versions of that epilogue. Presumably, the problem was making them look older without making them look weird too. Elijah Wood and Daniel Radcliffe are both similar in that they were child actors known for their big eyes and youthful faces. Wood was 18-19 at the start of Lord of the

How many reboots of Batman and Spider-Man will we get in thirty years I wonder…

It seems pretty obvious from the title card that the director originally wanted to call it "SOME THING". The Dark Horse tie-in comic was called "The Thing… From Another World". I wonder why they didn't just call it that?

Hey assclowns, that Ennio Morricone did an awesome score to John Carpenter's film. And as other assclowns have pointed out, the synthesizer is the perfect instrument to evoke coldness and inhumanity. I would have died and gone to assclown heaven if they used the original score in the trailer. Assclown.

@Cookie_Monster: "No one mention yet fantastic scene with Wilfred Brimley, when he just crazy and paranoid and muttering to Kurt Russell about who might or might not be taken over. It slowly pan back to show noose hanging behind Brimley's head, like he just about to hang himself to avoid Thing getting him when Kurt

Yeah, a "Stanford Experiment-type-thing." That's it!

While I never read the book I always thought it would be interesting if the portrait only knew what the person did the moment it was painted. So Dumbledore's painting is like "wait a second, I'm dead now? Fuck!"

"nothing to go on."

The OP lost me at "unredeemable hack" (also my Google Chrome spellchecker is telling me "unredeemable" is not a word, its nonredeemable, FYI). I really don't understand that sentiment at all. Each Potter film being better than the last holds true except for Deathly Hallows Part 1, which is only half a movie. The

Based on all the other houses applauding as they were marched out, you get the distinct impression (in the movie anyway, I haven't read the book) that Slytherin had a Milgram Experiment-type-thing going on with the other houses. They're the house of Voldemort after all. Snape is the Headmaster of the school, and

"Son of bitch must have molted!"
I love the fact that when Mordecai returns, instead of ignoring the fact that its a different bird, the characters immediately discuss how he looks different. Wes Anderson's obsessive attention to detail would not allow that, I'm sure.

Remove "who" from that first sentence. Proof read, before posting.

At least one person (a poster on BadAss Digest) who left the theater thinking Severus Snape was Harry's biological father. Its amazing what people can misconstrue from a film when certain plot twists aren't spelled out for them.

I love it when commenters complain about commenters who like to write comments about commenters who complain.

Having not listened to Marc Maron's interview, I'm sure Louie's version of Pootie Tang would have been R-Rated.

The Prince of Darkness scared the shit out of me when I was a kid, if for no other sequence but the one where everyone sleeping shares an apocalyptic vision from the future, transmitted back in time as a warning. For whatever reason, that idea still sends shivers up my spine.