
Liam Neeson in Ponyo is less distracting than Billy Bob Thornton in Princess Mononoke.

Chauncey: I like to think of Mad Men season 1 as Peggy Begins. You get to see the humble, not particularly entertaining origins of all your favorite characters from the show.

I'm always disappointed they haven't brought back Kittridge.
Henry Czerny can play such a wonderful self righteous prick (like he did in Clear & Present Danger) but his character in Mission: Impossible was still on the side of good throughout the first movie, he was just an asshole about it. It would be great seeing


Well, Duncan Jones. Sam Rockwell's character from Iron Man 2 can be the villain.

Besides, how is this handsome, courageous, chivalrous son of the fucking King of Asgard not knee deep in pussy? Really, how does this catch not have a girlfriend? He leaves home ten minutes and falls in love with the first Jewish girl he runs into apparently.

It's a nick name: he had a three way with Nia Vardalos and Zach Galifianakis.

Aragorn's horse in Two Towers. Reportedly in the scene where the horse finds him lying unconscious by the river, it was supposed to just walk up to him and nudge him awake. Instead, it licked his face like a dog.

Hopefully, she won't ever forget where she came from.

Night & Day had the same problem most action movies have nowadays. Instead of a slow buildup of suspense with the tension paying off at the halfway point, or at the end, they open the movie with their biggest most action packed set piece then slowly peter out over the remaining ninety minutes. If you don't have an

Conan was joking when he said he was half-Jewish. If the kid said 'hope they don't mexican me out of a ticket' Conan would have said he was half-Mexican. He's mentioned several times on the show that he's more Irish than most Irish people in Ireland. His ancestors on both sides of his family after immigrating to

What, no polite discussion of effective marketing campaigns for cable shows? I guess there isn't a wide overlap between Mad Men fans and Jon Benjamin Has a Van fans. *reapplies monocle*

While Tobias is right in saying that this movie is mostly for the fans, (it comes off, at times like a home movie starring Conan and his staff) its pretty obvious Tobias doesn't give a shit about Conan and really shouldn't have been the one selected to review a film that's literally all about him. You might as well

Haven't watched the show because of the ads.
I like Jon Benjamin, but the ad banners for this show were so irritating and obnoxious it completely turned me off from watching. The same with Children's Hospital.

Same story in the sense of being tabloid-tinged "dark side of power and fame" bullshit but with superheroes standing in the place of politicians and celebrities. I hate those types of stories and for the first (at least) dozen or so issues that's all they did. The "superheroes-as-celebrities"-thing was done better

Either that or as herself in a cameo ala James Franco or that tool from American Idol.

I would pay to see a Police Academy remake starring Paul Rudd in the Steve Guttenberg role, so long its directed by Adam McKay. Also it should be a near shot for shot remake of the first movie. And all the roles except Paul Rudd's should be played by chimpanzees.

The comic… *spoilers*
I got bored with it after a while. It felt like the same story over and over again. Superheroes have sex with groupies and keep secrets from loved ones that ruin relationships and kill people who annoy them and have affairs with other supers… Something like this might have been edgy in the

Oh yeah? Well what would you put in your soup in this magical fantasy land then, huh? A different type of cracker? Toasted bread? Croutons? Those little… fish… things? Hah! Of course not! You need saltines, more than you can ever know!