
I suppose its be like sex, then. You aren't doing it to entertain the man hiding in your bushes. Most nights, anyway.

New, unseen companions makes the world the Doctor lives in even bigger and illustrates beautifully that the Doctor's having adventures we aren't seeing. I personally would have loved it though if Madam Vastra or the Sontaran nurse said: "You've changed your face!" Revealing that the Eighth, Ninth or Tenth incarnation

Comedies should do that always. Hot Shots spoiled every one its jokes in the trailer, and I was disappointed in The Simpsons Movie when they actually used the wrecking ball gag and Homer falling through the roof from previews in the movie itself. Those jokes were hilarious four months prior to the film, but within

I love non-formulaic films but I am terrible when it comes to spoilers. If some new critically acclaimed indie comes out with a challenging or bleak premise, I'll read the spoilers first and then based on what I read I'll decide whether or not to go see it. If not a happy ending, I at least look for a silver lining.

@Under Where

Also, sometimes historians refer to Europe from 1914 to 1945 as "the Second Thirty Years War", based its similarities with World War I and II. Now I can impress my friends at parties with my Thirty Years War trivia! Hoo-ray internet!

Wikipedia: "Gradually, the war developed into a more general conflict involving most of the European powers."

The fansite, Blogtor Who referred to him as Benny Thundersnatch, which would make an excellent porn name.

I remember reading that one of "lesser known" conflicts, such as the Boer War or French Indian War, technically counted as a world war, based on the number of participants.

The problem I have with Halle Berry is
she isn't relatable or funny in anyway at all.

The Daleks and Cybermen appeared so often (in both new and old series) because it was cheaper using the same monster every other week than making a new one from scratch. One gets the sense that there's an entire warehouse full of monster suits just begging to get reused. I want Moffat to keep making up his own

No, I like it! "The ones are the ones who are the ones." It's round at both ends, like a marshmallow.

The Blade Runner documentary that came out not too long ago had a part about the voice recording with Harrison Ford. You hear Ford reading his lines for an early version of the narration: "Obviously the scale was synthetic…. but was it a fish scale? Or perhaps a snake— [Ford starts laughing] I'm sorry, are you

Alexander Payne is the Adrian Tomine of movies.

Wasn't Michel Gondry gonna do this with Jack Black at one point? Then Dark Knight came out and made a billion dollars and Warner Bros. was all like, "No way!"

Do you NOT say the Lantern's Oath when you take a shit?

Olivia Williams!

YES. Can you imagine how bad the movie would have been if everyone took it seriously?

My mom had no idea this was a Marval movie in the same universe as Iron Man and the rest, until S.H.I.E.L.D. appeared, and then was confused by why that hansome Jeremy Renner was only in the movie one scene.

Time is the problem I have with nearly every one-shot episode, ever (of anything). We don't expect a bigscreen movie to tell a complete story in forty minutes (though many probably could), so why should TV "have to"? If there's a cliffhanger, isn't that an incentive for the viewer to tune in next week? The only