
Reading this makes me feel young.
In that I have no sympathy or understanding. She was a celebrity a lot longer than she was an actress, so, I don't associate her with any of those movies above, except maybe Cleopatra, which is not a favorable association.

Grandma's eating through her gag.

One of my favorite bad Conan interviews ever was Lara Flynn Boyle
The last time she appeared on the old Late Night show was equal parts awkward and hysterical. While it was a long time ago, I remember she was put off by how Conan turned something she said into a joke and started arguing with him, and then refused to

Poorly timed viewing of "Operation Righteous Cowboy Lightning" last week.
I missed the episode first time around, and while 30 Rock aired the repeat last Thursday, I didn't get around to watching it until the following Friday night, after spending the whole day looking at tsunami devastation in Japan. To refresh

Also skin a squirell. Don't forget that.

How about the muscle suit when he needed to lift something heavy?

"What'd we learn?"
"I don't know sir."
"I don't fuckin' know either. I guess we learned not to do it again. I'll be fucked if I know what we did."

Sometimes, dead is *better*. He was in Pet Cemetary right?

This moving stunk of Robert Zemeckis/ImageMovers straight from the get go (he was a producer on it, no doubt teaching the director he used the technology to create such pitiful mediocrity as Polar Express, Beowulf and A Christmas Carol). What a wannabe Spielberg hack piece of shit. Fuck that guy.

This show hasn't really killed off anyone we, the audience, care about (yet), except maybe Alan Ruck. In fact, I was surprised Ava Crowder survived her storyline from season one. Given the brazenly stupid decisions she made near the end, I pegged her for a quick tragic death leading into the climax, and then Raylan

Tasernuts was played by Michael Shamus Wiles. He played a villain called Spanky in a season five epsiode of Angel. There was a funny scene where Angel comes by his place and finds a wall of whips and wooden paddles, "I guess that explains the name." "If you're interested," he says. "I don't like spanking men. Just

Unfortunately, they now have a bountiful and ever expanding resource for monster attack devastation shots.

So could Boyd and Ava turn into an Arlo and Helen? In the episode previous, when the miners roll up on her property, Boyd tells her he'll deal with them, so she goes back inside and stands ready with a shotgun beside the door. Sort of like of Helen backing up Arlo (also with a shotgun) as he talked to Bo Crowder

"He might think Mags is a relatively decent guardian, in contrast to Arlo or Bo Crowder or Tim's dad, etc.."

The Host is quite good.
I've seen that, 3-Iron, The Good, The Bad and The Weird and I'm Cyborg, But That's Ok. I think that's the full scope of my exposure to Korean cinema. I don't care for seedy revenge movies or extreme violence, so pretty much everything else they mentioned I'm never going to see.

Yeah, I started going "hmm" in the theater after the third horse got hit by flying debris or whatever and collapsed while runnung at full gallop. Its like, either they're injuring and/or killing these horses, or they have some pretty awesome effects houses simiulating it. Then I read online that was under

If I remember it right, New Frontier was all about The Martian Manhunter which narratively worked well, as he was one of the only members of the Justice League whose origin is not popular culture knowledge.

"Cult", I think is a nebulous term. I think Cable Guy qualifies because it got unfairly maligned after it premiered because it wasn't exactly what critics or audiences were expecting. And while it grew on some people, it didn't explode like say, Groundhog Day or the first Austin Powers movie, which became sleeper

I liked Christopher Nolan's slight head wobble and smirk when he lost. All he needed was a martini.

This is a human centipede that loops back around to the front.