
*super 8 film
*we'll eat when we get there
*What the hell

Apparently, the Oscars are run by film historians and super old people.
I really am sick of all of the commemorative crap from yesteryear. Its like the Academy is just sitting on a warehouse full of old footage, collecting dust, and its like Grampa breaking out the slideshow or super 9 film projector during the

It was funny watching a cross interview with Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington for (I think) An Idiot Abroad. When they bring up foreign languages Pilkington goes off on Welsh people which makes Ricky and Stephen visbly uncomfortable. "They don't need to speak it! They could just speak english.

This episode worried me. While eveyone's reaction to Dean's interruption (and Dean's hearfelt shock) was fucking hilarious, that seemed like a warning to viewers that this episode was going to be conventional sitcom filler. "Yeah we got nothin' of merit, here. Student class president, love interest for Abed. You

Hey assholes, you forgot your dog!

Yeah, I really don't get "Found Footage", and I can barely tolerate the "cable access people" segments on Tim & Eric, which is nearly 100% of their show.

That's "Slippery Dan", not "Bummer Dan."

Well from what I understand, Charlestown is no longer known for making bank robbers, and the guy who inspired Jack Nicholson's gang leader in The Departed hasn't been in power (or out in public) for over ten years, either. The new guys, the new gangs, the new criminal cospiracies you won't hear about until after

That kid who catches her smoking is Loretta from Justified, I think.
Since she can do a southern accent, and can act, I think its safe to assume she was up for the role of Mattie Ross in True Grit. Also, the red-headed teacher who is Cameron Diaz's requisite arch nemesis was the chick with an annoying laugh who got

I will eat your babies bitch!

Less than half, from what I understand, Shan. Its complicated. Basically what's good for studios is bad for the individual theaters. First week of release, the studios get a huge chunk of the money from ticket sales, like, let's say, 98%. Second week, the studio's percentage drops a bit, to like 90%, and by the

Th lead actor in Tron: Legacy sucks. A Ryan Gosling, or James Franco would have been more believable as the son of Jeff Bridges. There is no forward momentum going into the latter half of the film, and the climax itself is poorly executed. Its one of those movies you want to see despite mixed reviews, and mostly

Idiocracy is a more depressing, hope destroying, scifi apocalypse film than Children of Men.

Ah, I just caught my error. *He tells off suspects the same way a parent might tell off a child.

Kit-Kats are popular in Japan because the name sounds a lot like 'Good Luck' (kitto katsu). Apparently sales sky rocket during exam weeks. "Break me off piece of that Good Luck Bar!" Shit, even the jingle still works.

Ok, we're going to make a deal in the next ten seconds or I shoot you in the head.

I'd like to get my hands her ample nacelles if you pardon the engineering parlance. I'm talking about boobs.

It has an interesting premise. It's a zombie survival game with lots of improvised weaponry and almost no firearms. Axe, blunt end of a fire extinguisher, crow bar, baseball bat, hammer; could be cool. It would be interesting if you could actually play as mother, fathar or little girl from the trailer.

It seems inevitable that she's going to need protection from Mags Bennet or need somewhere else to stay. It would be funny to see Raylan in a parental role, since he seems to come by it so naturally. He tells off suspects the same way parent might.

Just one episode ago Raylan revealed that the gasoline spark bit was a ruse that might work but just "sounded good at the time". Presumably "the apricot shot" is a real thing and most likely Tim was the one who told him about it, which would mean that Raylan telling the story was a signal for Tim to get ready for a