
There's the line pointed out in Scott's review that I think is illuminating with Mag's code: she tells Loretta she's too young for her Apple Pie "by about two years". The presumption then is that if Loretta were sixteen, Mags would have no problem killing her.

She just took a dump in there and its really stinky.

I have a feeling she's this season's Ava Crowder. No, not like that, you sick perv. Loretta is, more or less, an innocent character whose story arch is unfortunately entwined with the lead villain's . Which means, much like Ava, she's porbably going to get herself into jackpots and need Raylan's rescuing,

Now that's what I call a close encounter!

At a record store one time, I asked the sales clerk what the difference was between Interpol and the Editors. Hey became visbly flustered and angry. "How about EVERYTHING!" And then he beat me unconscoius, stripped me naked, taped to a wheel chair and set me on fire like Phillip Seymour Hoffman in Red Dragon. Okay

Also, I felt like adding that Jason Clarke's eyes are set way too close together. His schnoz has no breathing room between them at all. Not that I should be judging, in high school I looked like The Penguin in flannel.

He's perfect on 30 Rock, as he comes across as a sarcastic, deadpan foil to Kenneth.

In terms of acting, she's no Zooey Deschanel, that's for sure. Having limited range in Hollywood is not that big an issue *coughOwenWilsoncough*. Her biggest career danger is getting typecast to the point where people can't imagine her as anything else.

They did that Old Spice commercial, which was an instant cultural phenomenon. That was some funny shit right there. Though I have a feeling it helped Isaiah Mustafa (and Wieden+Kennedy) more than it did Old Spice. I mean, no guy I know wears perfume. We're all about natural musky odors, my posse and me.

It seems odd that Damon was on there as long as he was. Now if only they ca bring back Isabella Rossellini… Her continued absence on the show is so infuriating it makes me want to sit on a knife.

That, and every cop drama in the world is set in New York. It would probably come in handy more often than a Chicago accent.

Actually, square-cube law goes into effect with 'Double Failed Firsties'. While the CancerAIDS is now twice normal size it has the volume of four CancerAIDS! Or something.

"We gonna light us a candle tonight!" For some reason that line always cracks me up.

I also have seen the Wrong Guy and found it entertaining. By the way, it took me at least least an hour to explain to my parents that Neil Patrick Harris is not really the "star" of How I Met Your Mother. "I'm confused, is every episode supposed to be about that other guy? Why??"

When I read on her wikipedia page that she was married to an SNL castmember named "Taran Killam" I immediately thought: "Hey, cool- she's married to a black guy!" Then I googled him and was like: "Oh, no wait. I'm just a racist with names."

While I agree with dgl, I always suckiness in some movies. I think its obvious that Kate Capshaw was supposed to be a parody of the useless damsel in distress from adventure films. Its just that none of those jokes are funny. She's just shrill and annoying. But then again, the whole ending is made of

Neville Page, the guy who designed the Cloverfield monster and the Ice Lobster from Star Trek is designing the creature, which I assume means that it will have spindly multy-jointed arms and legs and wierd mouth. Abrams actually showed him the teaser trailer with the train crash and door breaking open, and then asked

Spoiler alert for season three of Mad Men. After the appearance of Conrad Hilton, I read his biography on wikipedia. One bit that amused me: his first hotel "did such brisk business that rooms changed hands as much as three times a day."

Lucas and Tarantino are the most obvious, triumphant examples since they're showing their influences from within the same medium/genre. And instead of hiding their references, they're deliberatly recreating and repurposing them. While I already knew about The Hidden Fortress and Dambusters, I haven't seen either

Most recently, that piece of music was used in Tarsem's The Fall (in the trailer, at least) and to underscore the King's speech in The King's Speech. Everything is a remix *indeed*.