
This anecdote is coming at ya fourth (or fifth) person, since I don't wanna search twenty minutes for the original article, but, anyway… Will Ferrall recalled that back in the early Tim Meadows/Jim Breur period on SNL, Chevy Chase came on to host, which filled everyone with trepidation, since, not only was he an

What if you sleep on it funny and it goes numb, then when you get up the tail swings flops about like a dead cat and the scorpion stinger plunges right into the back of your thigh? What then, haysoos? What then? Would one be I immune to the poison?

@Ass Fancier
Your name is funny. It makes me picture a niche magazine called Ass Fancy.

I always felt that Eternal Sunshine and Inception could take place in the same future world, with Lacuna Inc. using similar tech as the PASIV device. The could do a cross-over called Deletion.

Y'know, while scrolling through other comments, I wondering "what the hell is with all of these French Stewart references?" Not only did I forget Joseph Gordon Levitt was on Third Rock trom the Sun, *and* that French Stewart was also on Third Rock, but (up until a minute ago) I completly forgot that actor French

Good choice, Matt Damon and The Bitchtastic Afflecks. Whenever I think of the White Stripes I hear the opening guitar playing on that song.

Honestly, I already figured they were broken up. Anytime the creative lead in a band starts doing something else that doesn't involve her/his original bandmates its bad news.

Probably just "Nightwing" since that's what he went by as an adult. While its not much of an improvement over "Robin, The Boy Wonder", it *does* sound like something a teenager would call himself because he thought it sounded cool.

I read JGL was gonna be in Dark Kight and I JIZZED IN MY PANTS.

Ha! How subversive you are…

In that case Gentle Jeff, you may enjoy this music video from Get Him to the Greek:

Hey guys! Have you noticed how this movie is just the Hangover with women?
And hey guys, what's with being forced to watch a commercial before can watch another commercial? Wait, don't go! I have other original topics we can discuss! Yakov Smirnoff! Hip displaysia! Etc!

I know right? Girls are gross and full of cooties, yuck!

This could not possibly be as soul crushing/disturbing as The Red Balloon
The 'sentient-inanimate-object' subgenre was masterfully done in the 1956 short film the Red Balloon. The balloon's "death" in that movie scarred me for life and made me the bitter, angry man I am today.

He's admitted before that he doesn't take acting too seriously. (Escape From New York: Clint Eastwood impression, Big Trouble in Little China: John Wayne impression.) His indifference is why hasn't done too many movies- he doesn't have to.

Baby Whale, I just really don't give a shit about local politics.

I was going to wait and see if someone else posted this but then I read: "642 Reasonal Discussions."
That "Beautiful Nico" song is genuinely good. Even if it was the only decent song off that record I would still buy it in a heartbeat. I really really love that terrible singing voice she has. It's like slowly

Thank you unregistered commenter for that unbroken block of rant-text I didn't bother to read.

Is there a giant mutated head growing on Beverly's shoulder?
Based on the picture above, I thought this was the episode where Beverly saves a dying man by grafting his severed head and neck onto her shoulder, and then falls in love with him as he whispers to her little injokes and snark throughout the day. Then I

OT, just now
Without warning, my computer started unleashing an unbroken stream of number 6's in any text box I had open. They were appearing faster than I could delete them. 6So66 66eve6ry s6en6tence6666 w6ou6nd6 u6p6 6l6ook6i6ng6 li6ke6 t6h6is. Sort of creepy huh? It was like my keyboard was possessed or had