
All I know about this guy was his failed version of Dune
… which sounded terrible. Salvador Dali is the emperor who has a clone, solid gold planets, Jessica is immaculately impregnated with Paul Atreides after a drop of Leto's blood somehow enters here vagina. Holy shit. If I remember correctly, he claimed he had a

From what I understand, David O. Russel gave the movie its humor. Aronofsky's version of The Fighter was much darker and focused more on the two brothers and less on the Mellisa Leo or Amy Adams characters (let alone the sisters).

Does Daniel Craig in your profile image have mouths for eyes or just chinese?

It wasn't a "Lost joke", it was a fat joke directed at the most universally loved character on the show by a guy who not a week was a fat fuck himself. Apatow's comment that maybe Gervais lost the weight *just* so he could tell fat jokes killed me. Its like the episode of Seinfeld I never saw but know about through

My favorite sketch was Hide and Seek. I studied many hours in that library while going to PCC, and the whole premise just seemed so closed to reality, I would not at all be surprised if there were an actual Adult Hide and Seek League in Portland. "S.E.E.K. Search Every EVERY Kind - of spot."

Rich definitely feels like Tiny Nipples and Jeff's love interest (the teacher) from season one. He probably won't stick around for long, but that last shot in Beginner Pottery gives me hope. Even if its just another moment of him looking creepily into the camera it'll be so worth it.

*while lacing on his Bat-Skates* "Damn it, those flamboyantluy dressed figure scating thieves are getting away! If only there was an easier way I could do this!"

The only part of Batman Returns that holds up at all is Selina Kyle's transformation into Catwoman. In retrospect, you could really tell just from the sequence alone that Tim Burton was destined to marry Helena Bonham Carter.

It's interesting that Robert Rodriguez is "blood brothers" with Quentin Tarantino who has said that if digital cameras took over and film print disapeared he would kill himself -or stop making movies (which ever came easier). It reminds of those typewriters vs. computers arguments made by old authors like Ray

Hollywood producer: "Pretend Internet Friends?" - why that's a great title for a movie!

* "Struggling with anger, guilt, and despair, he tries to salvage his marriage to [facially] paralyzed spouse Nicole Kidman."

The first video has been pulled apparently
Evidence indicates that it was a clone anyway. The original, posted by the student performed it is available at the address/link below…

The Bob Ross comparison is very apt. (APT, I SAY!) You make fun of him/her, but then slowly they draw you in. I love watching people *do* things. For a timely example, one of my favorite bits in Black Swan was seeing ballerinas tear the insides out of a pair of toeshoes, stich them back together and scour the

No we're "Cap'n Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters!"

My favorite quote from W. Earl Brown about Warren: "The character was retarded - he wasn't an idiot. Of all the idiots I've known in my life, none of them were retarded."

Hands down the best was..
his "this is awkward"-face. I just want to post anytime a thread goes way off topic and gets wierd.

The scene with Fischer Jr. and the projection of his dying father was the most surprising dramatic moment in whole movie, it was so emotional and heartbreaking. Pete and Cillian acted the shit out of that scene.

He and Bill Nighy should appear in an buddy cop action comedy
about two detectives who get thrown together for a case only to prove to be… perfectly matched in every imaginable way. Polite, respectful and occasionally funny (but in a reserved British way), they fight crime.

It helps that The Doctor literally says "A Christmas Carol!" during a moment of inspiration in the beginning. Like Abed from Community, he wants the world to be like it is in fiction. Unlike Abed, he has a time machine.

for a supernatural horror movie, I was hoping for something more than just a dirty old man in a Santa costume. Hell, you can see that anywhere.