
"Tonight's telecast directed by Casey Affleck."

I'm curious though, does RAF jerk off to Anne Hathaway?

"wouldn't matter"

"wouldn't matter"

Hathaway and Franco
I would have sex with both and it would matter the order.

While I haven't seen it, the idea of an artist making something in a genre he hates just to punish those who actually like that genre is so outrageously offensive to me, I hope Michael Heneke gets his ass beaten on a street corner by one of those 'home-invasion-thriller' loving degenerates whose money he swindled (and

The comic was badly written, full stop. A male character (who may not even exist on the TV show) loses his wife in a zombie attack. One issue later, Lori reproaches him for being pissy and unhelpful during his time of grief. He's mad at her for meddling in his affairs and tells her to 'fuck off'. She's mad at him

They're no where near photorealistic, yet. Though, excitedly, they're getting into Waking Life / A Scanner Darkly territory. The faces look digitally rotoscoped but the bodies and scenery don't quite match that level detail.

"It frustrates me that these people are treated like heroes specifically because of their stupid actions."

A canyoneering couple retraced Aron Ralston's steps through Blue John Canyon and found the infamous boulder he was pinned under (undoubtedly a tourist destination by now). At one point, the writer observed just how easy it was (for someone experienced anyway) to navigate, which freaked him out a little. Think about

Penis shaped darts?
Is that a reference to something?

"Wing To Wing" sounds like a futuristic transhumanist porno from a Warren Ellis comic book.

How about less than twelve parsecs! Zing!


I read the reviews first. I live on the West Coast so they are up anyway before the episode airs. Besides, shows filmed in this 'cinema verite' style make me nervous. Plunging off the deep end between commercial breaks is very easy in this format. The Shield was lousy with doing crap for the sake of shock value,

I'm fingering my butthole right now. Oh and go fuck your mother for me, I'm tired.

Armie Hammer from The Social Network should play The Man of Steel.
Rooney Mara can play Lois Lane and Jesse Eisenberg would have to be Jimmy Olsen. I know Fincher has nothing to do with his, but his entire cast was superb.

While not as explicit, it's still implied in the remake. Abby tells Owen she's 'not a girl.' he asks her 'what then?' and she replies, "I don't know. I'm nothing." There's also the same scene from the original where Oskar peeks at her and sees the scar, only you don't see what Owen does, probably thanks to the

Despite using the Javier Bardem comment above I don't think of these movies as competing against each other for "who did it best" (since Let The Right One In would obviously win). Its more about HOW they did it. And now that I'm thinking about it, part of me would like to see a Japanese and Spanish-language version

I suddenly feel the need the to defend and champion Let Me In
…to friends and family (as well as anonymous readers in this comment section) now that the movie as more or less tanked at the box office. About the remake issue, there was a comment Javier Bardem made ages ago when he was nominated for Before Night Falls