
He was hardly ever there for The Tonight Show. On TBS they should call band "Jimmy Vivino and the Max Weinberg 7" just to continue the joke.

*hangs head in shame*

Does anyone actually watch Sons of Anarchy? Who wakes up in the morning wonders what greasy biker dudes are up to?

Olivia Williams is quite a looker.
is she not?

@Gringo My love for Emma Thompson's cooch is like an ocean… its ageless.

Has she ever done any nudity before? I ask this out of pure intellectual curiosity and nothing else.

Philip Seymour Hoffman doesn't boners for directing movies like Clint Eastwood, apparently
"…I don't think you really look for a specific thing to do. I think something comes to you, and you realize, 'Oh, that's the thing.' I don't think you're like, 'God, I want to make a cop movie.'"

If you wanted "realism" Kick Ass should of died ten minutes in…
The crack house scene is particularly egregious. He steps into a room full of hardened gangsters, lays down an ultimatum and threatens them with violence with absolutely nothing but his own stupidity backing him up. The only way for the movie to contue

This one looked more like an office party than a, y'know, taste test.

My fanwank for the kitehen scene is this: the ingredients of the mashed potatoes were all probably replicated, a cook still needs to put them all together though before serving. It's not until he 24th century, the Federation invented magic. Also: "TEA! EARLY GREY, HOT!"

I remember standing up on the theater seat and cheering when the Bird of Prey got blown up (I was much smaller at the time). It only confused me though when the exact same footage was reused later in the next one.

Maybe she contracted "Irumodic Syndrome" (aka Space-Alzheimer's) and forgot it.

I wonder if the Afrikaans are more associated with Apartheid than the English South Africans. He said they based his character on the type of bureaucrat he and the director would have to deal with during that period. Just speculation though… To the Google machine!

I love Gilliam but he can be more frustrating that Burton. I don't think Burton could have made Tideland. Sometimes it seems Gilliam just deliberately makes a bad movie, just because he can. After watching the behind the scenes of 12 Monkeys ad Lost in La Mancha its clear that he'll do something the wrong way, at

Shak Shake Shake Senora
"jump in the line/ rock your body and shine…" the last scene where Winona Ryder levitates into the air while singing along (joined by the dead-football-players dance line) to me is one of the most bizarre and unabashedly joyful moments in all of Tim Burton's films. Reading this article

I just see him…
in Short Cicuit and Guarding Tess. I don't even know what he played in Short Circuit, but I remember him getting his toe shot off in Guarding Tess quite well. He just has that face that screams EIGHTIES MOVIE. I can't even place it.

About a quarter of the way through…
About a quarter of the way through the 1977 flashbacks I stopped watching the show. In fact my interest started waning as soon as they killed Charlotte in such a terrible and pointless way just as her character got interersting. Echoes of Rousseau and Alex there. And then they

Boo Hoo
I can never ge your guys' videoo to play. The video moves for less than a second and then it freezes with the audio continuing.

My speculation at this point is that Whiskey was cut up by Alpha and Dr. Saunders (the real one) was murdered. So for people like Dominic who had been there from before, it was a relatively smooth transition since they before behaved the same way. From Whiskey-As-Dr.-Saunders' perspective they were creeped out by

The dollhouse is the means, not the end. Its been established that renting actives out to rich perverts and other agencies is only the method of funding other research. What other research? What;s the endo goal of the dollhouse and/or the Rossum Corporation? Until Haunted, my guess would've been immortality ala