
Carys decision to testify against Bishop meant a lot given the 5 seasons previous, irrelevant of how much screen time he's had in recent weeks, imho

I generally enjoy every episode of TGW…including this one. I don't really get the accusations of a drop in quality, as while I don't love some of the storyline choices this season, TGW is never not well acted and thoroughly addictive.

Totally agree! I don't get the complaints of quality drop off tbh. Sure, I'm not keen on the SA storyline but that doesn't mean I think the series is any less compelling because of it.

I adore this programme! Every episode is a joy.

FYI I basically scroll these comment to get to ur Fitz update. I love that u do it! Fitz is aces :)

Worst Scottish accent ever. I mean, cmon!

I genuinely love this programme. It cheers me up with its loveliness and its ridiculousness. It should, by rights, be very annoying, but it works :)

Joes throw away "it's your monkey" made me laugh way more than it prob should've for some reason.

In all honesty u was slightly bored by this episode …I think cause it strayed away from the Coulson on the run story of the last few weeks. I get we need to spend time with Skye learning her powers but do we need to see lots of variations on the same thing time & time again?

Loved this episode! By turns funny sweet and creepy, it has me very excited for the next episode :)

Yeah fairly certain that Fitz had worked out agendas plan and wasn't surprised to have the box with him.

Peggy & Stans conversation about children made this episode for me. Wonderful from both of them.

I know in theory Iris is probably right but it just made me dislike the character more

I know it's not her fault….but man I still hate Iris!

I was sad for Wesley. And for me! I liked that character.

Say it won't be so!

Creepy Glen remains creepy…if a little sad.

Oh God I hope that's the end of the Diana story line. I feel like it's just another story of Don and a damaged woman.

This ^ and then some! I've liked Foggy from the get go too.

Matt & Foggys tearful argument made me well up. Very well played by both of them.