
I thought it was terrible too, aside from Claire &Murtagh hugging it out, and the last scene with the highlanders return.

This ^^ FTW

Yeah mike from ST is Richie in It

Lucas and the sling shot was an It call out for me.

I know it's just a trailer and shouldn't judge etc ….but for me (or how I imagined from the novel)Pennywise was a clown that looked cheery & normal…until u looked too closely or got too near….and that's where the terror lay…

Oh yes, Harry please

I wish they would let Caitlin be season 1 Caitlin again. She was cool.

I always felt Marty was meant to be more of a an actual character in the show which then didn't happen for some reason?

Loved the general creepiness of this episode and even tho I clicked Sim early on I still thoroughly enjoyed watching.

Awkward Coulson is adorable.

Oh Finn we hardly knew ya


The thing is, I've nothing against Iris or Candace Patton…I just always feel like Grant Gustin has better chemistry with literally everyone else. Like yes, have Iris on the show, her & Barry are great pals. Just…u know, don't have them be a couple. It just doesn't …click the way it should. Well for me amyway.

Whilst I enjoyed that, and liked that Harry, Gypsy & Jay were back (and Julian…but no Jessie?), my main thoughts during the last 5 mins,whilst Barry was saying his big tearful goodbyes - was Hurry the hell up Bazza-folks are getting struck by lightening whiles ur hugging people! Get to it!

Hush now ….that will never happen *crosses fingers*

Aw Tripp! :)

lol I was shouting RUN AWAY IRIS when Savitar was stuck for that brief moment too!

Evil Fitz is legit terrifying.


Legitimately confused by the harsh reviews given on this. So far so good imho. Partic harsh criticism of Finn Jones, who I think is doing a fair job as someone trying to understand a society he hasn't been part of for 15 years. Give the thing a chance, it's only finding its story.