
Wow this review is harsh AF!

Kresteva *ugh*

Alicia & Finn was who I thought too. I miss Finn, always felt his character was given the short shrift

Given that they moved in similar circles and were probably a similar age I don't think it's that big of a stretch they could've known each other, if they were both Weegies. And I say that as s Weegie myself!

My god the tears!

Oh yeah! Barry can be fun! I forgot that!

Nope I saw that, when he was revealed to be an unwilling and unaware vessel for Savitar. So not, for me a villain. More a victim. IMHO

Kevin hugging Randall-made me weep

Except, u know, he wasn't….

The thing that bugs me bout Nate/Amaya is the fact that they always seem to be trying to bang each other whenever the crew is in danger/in need. Like - just do it when ur home and all the crisis are averted dudes!

lol that's exactly what I thought! Jim Beaver of Deadwood??? I think ull find that's Jim Beaver of SPN ;)

To be fair I'd prob be the same!

I loved him & Caitlin in season 1. Then they made her character very whiney & suddenly stupid, as if to make their chemistry wane in favour of Iris.

I think Savitars speaking voice has a similar cadence to Tom Kavanagh again so can't help but think it's some iteration of thawne/wells. Either that on Robbie Raymond? Barry took everything from him when he couldn't save him from the singularity thing? Just thinking maybe that's what flips Caitlin finally to the dark

To be fair to Micky that couples party would have driven me insane too, they were being very much the let's talk about things u can't join in on people. Plus what idiots would actually answer that question with their partners sister etc and expect it to go down well??

I'm finding Kate & Toby more and more annoying as all the other characters become more & more interesting.

Yeah before he's was the sweet bookish guy…now he's …a bit icky

Dude! JTV Spoiler :(

^^^^ this and then some. The Nate & Amaya stuff felt shoe horned in somehow. It's as if the show runners suddenly panicked that there was no love story going on and re wrote both their characters. It's not that they don't work well together it was just …out the blue & out of character.

I'm all for Caitlin/Julian tbh…except that given Caits history this means Julian will die/leave/be evil (or all 3) and that would make me sad. I quite like his fit with the team now!