
Yeah the end of this episode was responsible for me being up till 2 am cause I had to watch #onemoreepisode

Boom Tish! :)

Head in car door = me hiding my eyes behind my hands.

Up voted for correctly pointing out the obvious which everyone else appears to have missed! Of course it was a reference, of course it was! :)

Jacqueline walking up the "stairs" in Kimmys apartment made me laugh so much! I don't really know y either lol

Oooooooooooo that was good!

I know I was thinking -why the hell would Iris tell Eddie that? Is she liking the fighting over her? Not cool.

Yeah normally the reset button type thing annoys me…but given that we get Cisco back and less Barry/Iris kissing, I'll go with it just this once…

Oh Jimmy. Chuck you did a bad thing! What a snob.

i didn't really think that deserving it more would make a difference, its just what I would've liked to happen. I'm fairly certain I'm allowed to have hoped for that, irrelevant of it being real life or not.

Also is it wrong that I kinda want Fitz in every scene at the mo? He's killing it just now.

Mack n Bobbi are bugging the life outta me at the mo. Enjoyed Hunters general snarkinesss towards the "real" shield :)

Ha ha!

Ok I don't mind what they do with the next episode as long as somehow Cisco Lives! Been a while since I actually shouted at the tv but that definitely had me hollering!

I love this comment.

It wasn't Jonny that wanted to hold hands with her & Marissa, it was Josh was it not?

Yeah I'm annoyed she won. I really feel she shoulda lost this one cause Prady deserved it more. Woulda been interesting to see how Alicia woulda coped being the loser. Also, I don't want her to leave the firm, I don't really feel her, Cary & Diane have had any time to be anything yet and this makes me grumpy.

The SA race for me has totally devalued all the conflict last series of Alicia & Cary starting their firm. I mean, seriously, what was the point if Alicia is just going to leave anyway? Kinda pisses me off.

Hooray for the return of these reviews…..but boooooo that it took u so bloomin long AVC!

My first thought was of Fringe too.