
Hey, no big deal, but the possessive form is always "each other's." The headline should read: "…from each other's jaws." That's all.

Hey, can someone help me out with this: To what extent do Geneva/Castro understand that they're prosecuting an innocent man? Has this at all been made clear by the writers? I'm not sure it has.

The diary song reminded me of the talent show episode in Huge. RIP that show.

Yeah, that almost-threesome scene was way icky.

I'm still waiting for the leaked deposition of last season to resurface. I mean, Wendy definitely leaked it to the reporter, right? And that's definitely against the law, and she'd face disbarment, right?

Oh, wow. I never considered this. Good (potential) call.

Michael C. Hall looked fantastic in his Henley last night. Buffer than ever. That yacht scene. Those pecs. Woof.

Sarcasm, indeed. I mean the opposite of every adjective (and most adverbs) in that last sentence.

Just two minor quibbles:

Right, and (if I'm remembering correctly) the guy who kissed Tami was objectively less attractive than Coach (pretty much everyone is) and Mrs. T.

Maybe Travis will become self-aware and learn that the disease is inside of him and will thus acquire the confidence and strength to become a supercrazy bad guy in the last few episodes?

I keep kidding myself that the big reveal will be that Gellar IS real after all.

Breathe, dude. Just. Breathe.

I don't think he ever "defied a lot of negative stereotypes about gay men."

It makes me sad to see Alma Garet (Molly Parker…from Deadwood…Travis’s sister here) play such a silly ancillary role. I’m still hoping they have something more substantial planned for her, but I’m sure they don’t. She was superextradumb and queer in her painting scene tonight.

I honestly don’t know how notable that is. The age/hotness
disparity between Jay and Gloria pretty much underpins every story line they’ve ever had. And it’s always implicitly about sex.

My sister thinks this show will help her with her dissertation about the idea of what a good neighbor is and how crazy people are and the murder of Kitty Genovese and also literature stuff. I hate this show so much, but apparently I recommended it to her. Here's part of an e-mail she just sent me…

where was

Did anyone notice
the photos of the keys/keychain that Linden was looking through on her laptop? Pretty sure the symbol on the keychain matched that weird symbol/flag reflection in the water in Rosie's video, right? OMG WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

Wow, ham synchronicity!