
I think Alicia said something like "a Chicago grand jury will indict a ham sandwich" to Kalinda during prep, to make the point that it's best to just shut the fuck up and plead the Fifth.

I love you both. And I'm embarrassed that I missed that. Thank you.

I'm likely being a moron…
but can someone explain why Julius's triple-agent ruse was even necessary? I'm not seeing the tactical upside here. It seemed to me like way more of a risk to definitively confirm any suspicions that Bond may have had about a coup. (And I don't really remember, but did we hear Bond explicitly

When Walternate took the comb
and started brushing his wife's hair…I knew nothing was going to happen, but I still kept thinking, oh fuck, he's going to kill her! And then when she hugged him at his waist…oh fuck, he's going to strangle her!

Honestly, I've given up critiquing or thinking about their significance as gay characters. It's better to just go with it, I think, and simply accept that fags have the names of soft drinks and fairies (and Bob, whose name is purely ironic, because he's a transgender prom queen) and take all their social cues from The

I'm picking up all kinds of seismic activity in Park Slope."

Kind of an interesting shot
when Ava shuts the bathroom door and joins Boyd in the bedroom. It felt a bit…unusual, no? Do people normally shut bathrooms doors with so much intention?

"The boxed stuff
doesn't get better with age, Don."