big bada boom

I got a rejection email two days back. I really think we may be going backwards in some aspects of our lives.

What do homosexuals call hemorrhoids?

So you're saying, White Light/White Heat isn't about grow lights?

There could be some schist on that rock.

Those are recorders, *pushes in ear plugs*

Ya gotta cover the mascot.

At least those two guys running on the field getting tackled hard, cheered them up some.

I think it's 28 million for 27 touchdowns, a really great ROI.

That's how I heat my place.

Why wait til then, there is a Wednesday next week.

You said gate twice.

I watched The Road the other night, just to cheer myself up.

Hope this helps

Cat autopsies

It's definitely, something…

You r.

Three strikes, your out.

…and then he called my schooner a sloop, can you believe it!

Woods is so addicted that he never throws out even a microgram.
