big bada boom

*Takes Col. Alphonse Dore Cliburn CBE outside to show him what it's like*

The camera adds ten pounds.

Last I saw Dick was still alive. Have him do it, but speed it up just a tad to make him sound younger better.

But, he never got the power converters he wanted!

Which hand? How about a foot this time, change it up.

If you want more lens flare tell me, and I'll give you more lens flare, just like your pretty boy over there.

*Gives you a hand job with hook hands*

*Picks gum coated nuts from teeth*

What's an egregious?

*Eats Mayor McCheese*


*Adds Camelot to watch list*

If you have an Agustus poop gloop, please head over to the Amazon link and order up a bidet.

Last meeting was filled with Vermicious Knids, Whangdoodles, Hornswogglers and Snozzwangers. I think management is pulling some bullshit.

Hmmm, I like this idea.

There's no earthly way of knowing

Who amongst us could afford whiskey that expensive?

I like the vending machines better, they're not as judgy.

John Cock… tos… ton?