big bada boom

So, I'm about to start work on a new project, so I have to eat. I stop in at this new deli, that is supposed to have the best corned beef in the city…
Lynch: Mel, enough with the food talk, tell us about the project.
…I always try out the new places…

I still want Goldblum to show up again, Freak #1 rises from the dead.


All that wood furniture and they burn the books, maybe a little too German.

I thought I found him hiding behind Waldo, but it was a typo.

Get busy living, or get busy dying.

Jack Black's best role.

*Band stops playing*
Is somebody crying?
I will be…

I had a grape ape once, that was pretty good.

*Chews off left hand fingers*

No offense…

Well he sure won't cry about it.

A.A. Milne:
Supreme Leader. The honey cells have ruptured. The collapse of the bee hive has begun.
Supreme Leader Robin:
Leave the meadow at once and come to me with Winnie The Pooh. It is time… to end his honey stealing ways…forever.

That was your finger…

Col. Stormy in the stall, with the enchiritos.

Watching all those Vines has really paid off.

This makes my heart, achy and breaky.

I was worried you were going to go John Wick for a second.

*Left Shark agrees*

Ha ha, less funny…right…