Only Gay Commenter

childe, roland, to the dark tower came
i would be excited for this if it was anyone other than Akiva Goldsman and Ron Howard. with these two hack-masters, I'm mostly just dreading it

this movie looks gay
there. i said it.

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
I loved it when it came out, I think I was nearly 20. And while I've continued to read Eggers' at least up through "What is the What," his hyper-selfaware persona and overall shtick has worn me down. I'm not sure how I'd react to it now that I'm 30.

thanks, noel
now i'm depressed.

challenge accepted!

re: that photo
clearly Paula Abdul has fallen so far that she now does all her promo shoots at Glamour Shots

re: that photo
clearly Paula Abdul has fallen so far that she now does all her promo shoots at Glamour Shots

do I really need a subject line?
no way.

obligatory Pierce joke
you should've seen Leonard Pierce's list! He loved Captain America!

coming in January
Crosstalk: Do End of Year Lists Matter?

are we sure it wasn't Bill Paxton?

allow me
to be one of the few Pro-Adams voices on this board.


speak into the microphone, squid brain
is the best line of Point Break.

speak into the microphone, squid brain
is the best line of Point Break.

i will watch this
wait, no I won't.

oh, good.
i guess this just means Pink Panther 3 is coming soon.

anyone else
tired of hearing casting rumors and things? I kinda just want this movie to come out so I can stop reading debates what a bad idea this is. I'm definitely ready for the, "this movie is better than I thought" vs "man, that's even worse than I expected" debates.

someone get Ralph Maccio at TV show already. i'm sure they'll need to replace Charlie Sheen on that My Two Dads ripoff

coming soon:
I Watched This On Purpose: