Only Gay Commenter

why don't they just put him in Thor 2? 

I usually wait for King books to go to the bargain bin (where they'll be hardcover for around 5-7 dollars), but this looks like it might be worth shelling out the extra money to get it sooner. I haven't done that with a King book since…well, The Dark Tower.

wait. is this show actually good, is that what you're saying? 

This interview bugged the crap out of me.

I actually do have an ani difranco tattoo.

This was seriously the funniest newswire piece in a while. so much so that I felt I should point it out.

jesus christ, has it really been since 2007?

as someone whose name is Brian, I'm uniquely qualified to say that no one likes being called Bri-Bri. Nope, not even us gay Brians.

that joke is fucking terrible.

I saw a taping of the new adventures of old Christine and laughed a lot, had fun.


This was a great piece. This column of yours is fast making you one of my favorite writers on this site.

"lets talk about films no one is talking about"
has always felt like the underlying mission statement of the AV Club.

i have a very important question
where can i get that vest?

I don't know about that, but growing up in Illinois in the 90's looked exactly like Roseanne.

this isn't a surprise
of course they'll give Batman another re-boot when Nolan has told his story.

no homo-eroticism?
then why would I want to watch this? the only thing that kept me awake during 300 was the thought I might get to see bearded Gerard Butler makeout with Paulo from LOST

just wondering
does this mean Shia LeBouf is going to wear a Strokes shirt in Transformers 3?

have you tried watching the whole video?

hey man
this is about human beings.