Only Gay Commenter

haha, i thought the same thing!

Desperation is WAY under-rated.

ripped from the headlines
this show should take a page from Law and Order and do a RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES episode

what if someone survived a trap because he dreamed about it and then he had to keep getting out of said traps.

hey guys
Has everyone caught up to my assertion that Seth McFarlane is fucking terrible?

goose island is great. i live now and i miss it. sadness

that was a lie. it was jay bennett

i've seen him in person, he was taller than me. chuck klosterman was there and was shorter. we all wore glasses. greg kot and i discussed Wilco and Jay Farrar.

you're going to need to show us that list…

yeah, Amends is skippable.

mel gibson
this is just like when Liam Neeson got the part of Rob Roy and Gibson had to go and make Braveheart to get back at him.

Anthony Head is definitely one of the best actors in the buffy-verse, but I never liked Marsters' accent and how it fluctuated in and out.


my guess
is that he's in an alternate sideways reality that turns out to be purgatory or something.

that's really going to put a damper on my case there, bro

i met you at a signing and asked, NO DEMANDED, that you MYOF ALien 3. and you haven't yet.

isn't this just Ghost Rider but with cars?

jonah hill
will he try to buy boots from Catherine Keener?

Yay for possible Firefly recaps.

as the only gay commenter around these parts, i'd like to point out that I would still marry Ryan Gosling.