Only Gay Commenter

the analogy i like to use is:
you can plan on driving from New York to California but you can't predict what traffic, construction and weather will do to your route.

such great heights
I'm by no means a music expert, but it's quite clear to me within .5 seconds of hearing that cover that its not the original.

thats the worst twist since the village

can i request
that Spider-Man, instead of being CGI, be drawn in pencil. Like when JGLevit is walking down the street and it turns animated for a second. maybe if they do that, they can afford a good script, AMIRITE

why not
Law and Order: The Cosby Mysteries

holy shit
i love this movie. its why i defended Ben Stiller for so long! all the way up to Meet the Fockers!

this movie was awesomely bad. i can't wait for the sequel.

good one, nate
i came to this conclusion years ago, and i've never even met Michael Cera.

Noel -
don't wait. i want to read your long shelved blog post.

yoko - that you do not own this on DVD causes you to lose points and just generally be less cool. my identity is hardly a secret. my name is Homer N. Cognito.

I can't seem to find this information anywhere, actually, but aside from the disc being a blu-ray, is there any reason I should get this when I already have the double disc DVD? special feature wise, that is. because i'm broke and can only justify this purchase if there's new features.

i love this
i can't wait to read it.

oh man. what if they bring in like a group of young girls to potentially replace all the lost'ies? or it turns out they're our ancestors!

calm down, CR

all i know
is that Sam Worthington can play for my team anytime.

on many cable networks one million viewers constitutes a hit.

the most frustrating thing
is that Fox isn't even TRYING.

done already?!
aw man. its been fun rewatching some buffy ep's this summer.

if this isn't
a future MYOF entry, then i don't know what is

meh. i saw enough in Terminator Salvation. he leapt back and forth between his australian accent and a fake american accent far too often for my tastes.