Only Gay Commenter

it seems
that i am the only one who remains unmoved by this.

seriously, Nabin, when are you writing up Alien 3?

half of Good News is pretty great.

i hated We Were Dead
but I've loved Satellite Skin since i saw it on Letterman

i already plan on going to both of these!

i think roland emmerich just hires the right CGI people. i wouldn't say he really films anything

i have a theory
and i'm going to be flamed for it, but here goes:

whatever rabin
this movie is amazing.

i meant to say, "if it's free and introduced by scott tobias"

i will only see this
if its free.

what the hell
why hasn't there been a new postal service record?

deadpool and the green lantern???

this assumes, of course, that kevin smith knows how to read, which has yet to be proven

this could work
True Blood and Dexter were both based on books.

angel/buffy write ups fill me with joy!

well said
I downloaded this record a while ago, too antsy to wait for the official release date. So I've been waiting for this review for some time and I basically couldn't agree with you more.

thanks, amelie
for seeing Glen Beck so we don't have to.

huey lewis was in the first one, which everyone knows is the best.


don't do a third ghostbusters!!!