Only Gay Commenter

my answers -

this is some funny shit:

someone keep the wayan brothers away from this thread. don't give them any ideas.

to answer your question
yes. i do.

bite your tongue! reinhold messner was amazing.

can this be thread where we talk about how much better Ben Folds Five was than his solo stuff?

episode- mugged
song - business time
moment - bret and jemaine trying to escape the ladys apartment by using a window that opens on to her living room.
quote - any one of the posters in murray's office.

i'm so disappointed
whats with all the commenters loving Ugly Organ?

i dunno! don't look at me, i'm just the gay guy around here

elliot smith
i was actually just reading about this recently.

i dont understand
how Paul Rudd and I aren't married by now.

i think we can all agree the show went a little off the rails before they won the lottery.

is made reference to several times here, but the tonal shift in that is quite extraordinary. and not in a good way. the character of roseanne went from being a tough-but-loving TV mom to a crazy person. and that's not even taking into account the lottery stuff. yikes.

i had a dream once that i was on the island on LOST with the losties, but i was the only one who knew it was a tv show

eh, the lyrics aren't great, but so what?

though in listening to it once again, it is quite catchy. but after this i'm putting on Mr Bitterness

here's mine
probably Queen/David Bowie - Under Pressure

oh crap
i really wanted to see both Synecdoche and Role Models but i just cancelled my netflix.

but then, i saw it at midnight on thursday, surrounded by nerds who'd waited their lives to see the movie. so there was no chance of a walkout

how long
before he apologizes for this song in a virgin mobile commercial?