Only Gay Commenter

am i the only one
who felt the "THREE YEARS LATER" thing was kinda spoon feeding it?

joss whedon's fray
i have a limited edition copy of Fray signed by Joss Whedon and Karl Moline.

there was a serious drop off in quality when Larry David left.

holy shit
i knew i shouldn't have done that google search.

hopefully its more interesting than Kate blowing up her stepdad

i guess if anyone can make terminal illness and adam sandler go to together, it'd be Judd Apatow.

its hipster cred mixed with the fact that he's popular, i think.

i for one
would definitely like to read your thoughts on the lighting and composition, aftermath of the orgy et al, mr tobias. blog away!

ben seemed surprised that she was referred to as faraday's mother. maybe she's not, really?

why is there an eternal sunshine clip after the romeo and juliet entry?

annie hall
is hands down my favorite movie of all time.

i liked this one
best of the season so far, IMO. probably cuz its the only time all season the show has caused me to laugh out loud.

or, if you're tracy jordan, "i'm getting too old for this ship"

the best part was Dave and Bret knowing rappers based only on their TV and film work

maggie grace?
a 17 year old?

maybe this isn't a great example
because I'm not sure how much critical attention it gets, but sometimes I feel like I'm the only person on the planet who just does not think Family Guy is the least bit amusing.

i own the velvet underground soundtrack too! i love the one with nico!!!!! but i could never find that movie!?!

and lets not forget that Alec Baldwin writes for Huffington Post

ben gibbard? huh?

this show is dated already! everyone's moved on to facebook.