
Matt I buy.  He got the pity vote — since he's an almost-orphan who's been working himself to death just to stay in his own house.

They can be together, they can just be friends — either way, they are awesome on screen together and I would love to see more of it.

I thought it was hilarious that Caroline just showed up at Klaus' house demanding ancient prom dresses. And then he actually helped her. Truly bizarre, but hysterical at the same time. Only scene in the episode that really worked for me — and it was batshit insane. I think it's just the chemistry that those two have.

I want Bonnie to go all dark and finally have some control over her life.

I think I like Elijah best when he's mostly in the background, popping in to make some awesome comments every now and then.

Seasons 1 & 2 took place over the course of junior year. Seasons 3 & 4 took place over the course of senior year. All the kids are the same age except for Jeremy, who I think was one year behind everyone else.

I'm not sure I get all the confusion over Tyler. How would Silas have gotten into Tyler's house to fake being him? He hasn't been invited in.

When they were announced as King and Queen I decided the school had just hired a bunch of actors to fill the gym as a way to make up for all the dead students.

I'm with you. When the whole no-humanity-Elena was first raised, I was all for it because I thought we'd finally get to see some some interesting stuff out of Elena, who's had a very blah season so far.

I love this show and I will be very sad when it is cancelled.

Now that Cult's been cancelled, we'll see what we see as far as Alaric is concerned.

There's a point when Damon is searching Katherine's fake house and he asks himself something like, "Where would I hide the Cure?"

It's technically sister, but for this show brother works fine too.

She probably had multiple dummy houses each with its own traps inside.  She plans deep.

Sure, I agree.  I just don't want him riding off into the sunset and off the show entirely.

It's to the point where I think there must be something up with the actress that plays her.  Maybe she's not available, maybe she was a pain in the ass on set — it's just too weird that they haven't brought it up at all.

I like to joke around about wanting Alaric back, but ultimately I think you're right.  That's the one death that really meant something on a show so full of character deaths.

So, what do we actually know about Silas' powers?  He was made immortal/vampire before the Originals and he seems to have slightly different powers/weaknesses than them (which makes sense, since it was a modified spell).

The cure arc should have been 10 episodes.
Any other season, the Cure arc would have been over before the winter hiatus.  I miss the way this show used to jump from major plot to major plot.  Doesn't help that the Cure arc sucks the life out of things too.

Stefan deciding he doesn't want to keep repeating his mistakes over and over again for the rest of eternity by chasing down each and every woman who looks like his beloved Katherine: Priceless.