Oh, for gods sake.
Oh, for gods sake.
Say what you will about the fourth season of Enterprise, but the Reeves-Stevenses understood what people loved about Star Trek and made a genuine effort to give it to them.
Well, the Mirror Universe episode was also the best episode of Enterprise, MAYBE tied with 'Twilight.'
Is a new Trek show with Worf as the Captain really that ridiculous an idea?
I'd like to simply note that Berman and Braga inevitably described any episode in which T'Pol was violated personally, professionally, or physically as 'sexy.' They also felt that getting her addicted to space crack was how you write an interesting Vulcan-oriented storyline.
One of Garibaldi's less endearing foibles is his sense of Garibaldean Exceptionalism. He's a big believer in the rule of law and in treating people decent and in not behaving dishonorably… except that whenever he or people in his inner circle need to break the law or behave like shitheads, it's okay, because THEY have…
That question doesn't seem to be hard, assuming we're talking about a population of Lyta's and Talia's with a minority of people as powerful as Bester, and not, say, a bunch of Charles Xavier's.
Well, the portrayal of Psi Corps at this point in its history is lopsided
The ethics of turning in fleeing, harmless telepaths trigger several debates about the nature of Psi Corps,
I'm the actor James Franco, damn it. And I'm in love with (and common-law married to) a Japanese body pillow!
That seems unlikely anytime soon.
This is true. I should have said "the Venn diagrams do not completely overlap." You are technically correct.
That letter profoundly disturbed me. This guy is clearly deluding himself.
The thing is, guys liking brightly-colored magical ponies is still considered weird and outre enough to be worth comment. And this sort of layers on top of that; it's double-weird, if you will. A weird thing on top of ANOTHER weird thing. Eventually, the first weird thing will normalize, so the second weird thing…
Bronies are not equivalent to furries. The venn diagrams don't overlap.
The difference being, of course, that when Liz Lemon has another one of her crazy adventurers, her neuroses don't have the potential to destroy causality.
If by "cheesy-sweet" you mean "stalkeriffic."
the righteous, moral, Picard-speeching highly evolved Federation is
actually committing genocide down on the planet below with an insidious
disease designed solely to kill all of them.
I would watch half an hour of Chase Masterson reading the phone book.
… why?