This actually relates to my previous comment!
This actually relates to my previous comment!
EarthGov in general seems to be return by bitter, angry xenophobes. Even the "good" people are, it seems.
It wasn't just a vocal exercise. If I recall correctly, according to Jurasik, if he had to get into character in a hurry, he would leap to his feat, and belt out "MIS-ter Gari-BAL-di!" possibly while pointing aggressively.
In Japan for example they're re-doing Space Cruiser Yamato for no
apparent reason except to sell more models and have an excuse for
posters with women in what appear to be painted-on uniforms.
I should create a macro that says “the material is goofy, but Claudia Christian makes it work,” because that’s generally Babylon 5’s sense of humor.
Okay, this actually makes perfect sense. Let me give the "how FTL travel works in B5" speech.
Well, I'm open to persuasion. Explain to me how it isn't morally problematic to use sentient beings with no legal rights as forced labor.
Of course, using holographic slave labor is fraught with moral implications.
Coffee was better when it was just coffee.
I respect Zack for not cheating.
Salome Jens doesn't get enough credit.
Am I the only one who liked Chester?
He's just so amused that he always thought he was a cowboy actor first
and foremost and all anyone wants to talk to him about is his SF stuff.
… among nerds? Yes.
Sheridan gets treated as if he’s an action hero by the Minbari in
“Points Of Departure,” and he does exude that dynamism. But what does he
actually do? His crucial decision in the episode is that he orders his
pilots notto fight apparently attacking Minbari—and he’s proved right.
Well, part of the reason such a political cartoon would be effective, at least among us humans, would be the implication of a somewhat unhealthy dynamic between you and your husband; the implication that he needs you around to stop him doing things that are manifestly stupid to anyone with a working brain. (It is, of…
Ridgeless Klingons should have been like Garak's exile.
I do not shy away from admitting that my calling in those years was to
keep Sheridan within my sight to keep him away from as much danger as
was possible.
@avclub-0806ebf2ee5c90a0ca0fd59eddb039f5:disqus Oh, that's not to say that Season 4 didn't have some awful, awful howlers. In addition to the two episodes you mention, I would also like to not I'm still angry that when Archer got Surak's katra crammed into him, he stomped around neck-pinching like a motherfucker.…